Closed Jay-Leung closed 3 months ago
Another error that occured was division by 0 if the dot product of vaf1 and vaf1 was = 0.
I added in these lines into
after line 74:
if, vaf1) == 0:
logging.warning(f"Dot product of vaf1 is zero for mutations {mut1} and {mut2}. Skipping these mutations.")
thank you for your numerous great suggestions! I have updated and incorporated those, and I'll look into the issue you raised in the other github issue and get back to you.
Hello there,
Thanks for this method - it's definitely useful to help infer cell lineage and mito clonal evolution at the same time. I had some single cell ATAC & mito data and wanted to try this out. However, there were quite a number of issues while I was trying to run MERLIN.
Gurobi academic license The first error I faced was that the number of optimizations exceeded the allowed usage for gurobipy. It required a license which I eventually managed to get from gurobi. Might be worth mentioning that this is required?
Package versions When I tried to run MERLIN again with the liceense the next error I had was something like
I solved this by editing the
lines 240 to 245 to:I am not sure whether this is because the installed versions of numpy differs. But I thought perhaps it might be better to document the package versions used.
I am using python 3.10,
When i ran the example data it worked well. I did note that the format was cell by mutation csv, which the code transposes to a mutation by cell before downstream ancestry graph and ILP. I ran the same code on the MKN data to see if it works on a larger real life dataset, but realised that the output was not correct. My bad for not checking the format, it was because the data was arranged in a mutation by cell csv instead. So the transposition had to be removed, but I think it may be better if the input data was standardized.
Also I am in the midst of running MERLIN on MKN data but it timed out - think it might be worth documenting that the TimeLimit parameter should be adjusted for the ILP step?
Thanks a lot for this method once again, just dropping my suggestions. Do correct me if I have done anything wrong!
Regards, Jay