raphaelcoeffic / sport_ecu

Exports telemetry data from ProJET ECU to Frsky S.PORT
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using sport_ecu combined with Naze32 INAV or Betaflight #1

Open Quaxpilot opened 6 years ago

Quaxpilot commented 6 years ago

Hi , cool project! I´m testing the flightcontroller as Naze32 or similar. It would be great to implement your code into tha main Coding from INAV or Betaflight to build in a FLightcontroller and get via Naze32 the cu data as well , is that possible? https://github.com/cleanflight/cleanflight Thanks Thorsten

raphaelcoeffic commented 6 years ago

@Quaxpilot Are you writing about using a flight controller in a turbine jet? That sounds kind of funny! Is that about thrust vectoring or something like that?

Quaxpilot commented 6 years ago

Yes i have a turbine rc model it´s a conventional fixed turbine. On the other hand i´m testing using flightcontroller with inav first of all in epp models - very nice this stuff this fligcontrollers like autopilot etc.. I thing we could use a flightcontroller in rc jet´s too. You made this sport ecu project maybee it´s possible to do the script into the code from inav oder betaflight for getting the data complete in flight. I my case i ordered a taranis x9e for checking telemetry ...