raphaelm / python-fints

Pure-python FinTS (formerly known as HBCI) implementation
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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FinTS after PSD2 #72

Closed UweZiegenhagen closed 4 years ago

UweZiegenhagen commented 5 years ago

As I learnt today, I won't be able to get my account statements for my Giro account from September on via HBCI since ING Diba will disconnect this service.

Will PSD2 have an impact on python-fints? Are you planning to implement PSD2?

henryk commented 5 years ago

As far as I can see, the primary change in PSD2 with regards to FinTS is Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) for more operations (e.g. login). And also that SCA now sometimes isn't necessary anymore (bank-specific, e.g. transfer to subaccounts or transfers of 30€ or less). Basically you now can get a surprise "SCA required" response at any time, with no way to detect this before issuing the command.

When designing the new API I thought of that already: the SEPA transfer methods with either return a TransactionResponse (if the call went through without SCA requirement) or a NeedRetryResponse (if a TAN is required). This allows the library user to elegantly handle surprise SCA. What we still need is a way to do the same with login, where the dialog opening sometimes requires SCA. For the sake of consistency I'd suggest caching the surprise SCA requirement in the dialogue and then returning a NeedRetryResponse on the first real operation call.

So, yeah, I think python-fints can still work with PSD2 without too many problems -- in the interactive use case. The non-interactive use case will probably involve sending an email to the user every 90 days to request a TAN from them. (Ahem, someone maybe can write a plugin module to automatically generate a ChipTAN from a connected smartcard reader and then just need to leave your Girocard with the server. Or use one of these new-fangled VoIP-providers with an API to receive SMS and automatically extract the smsTAN. Both are stellar options from a security point of view! Well done, PSD2!)

That being said, ING DiBa threatening to shut down their FinTS endpoints is an overreaction/decision by the bank, there's no hard technical reason for that. And nothing we can do about it. For my own company use I'm going to investigate how hard it would be to set up EBICS, because that would be the alternative. (Or, you know, going back to the dark ages of screen scraping. Just with a new requirement to enter a TAN on each login.)

raphaelm commented 5 years ago

Yes, as @henryk said, PSD2 does not necessarily kill FinTS, but some banks probably will. Since many banks out their use FinTS as the backing protocol of e.g. their smartphone apps and desktop applications, I assume that most major banks will still support it for years to come, though.

My plan with regards to python-fints is not to put to much work into it over the summer, then evaluate the situation in September when we really know whats happening and work around it.

Keep in mind that PSD2 mandates banks to have some kind of API, but while some first standard-ish things emerge, it's still pretty hard to find reliable information on which bank will give what kind of access to what kind of API user.

jahir commented 5 years ago

Postbank and Consorsbank enabled SCA over the Weekend, i.e. you now need a TAN for login. While Consorsbank FinTS is still broken, Postbank seems to allow subsequent logins after one successful SCA. This works with my desktop software (Banking4), but how would I do this with python-fints? As far as I understand the docs, it should as me for a TAN if an operation requires one, but a get_sepa_accounts() returns this:

Dialog response: 9050 - Teilweise fehlerhaft.
Dialog response: 9999 - Dialog bereits geschlossen.
Dialog response: 9800 - Dialog ungueltig/unbekannt.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 433, in get_sepa_accounts
    for seg in response.find_segments(HISPA1, throw=True):
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/types.py", line 293, in find_segments
    'The bank\'s response did not contain a response to your request, please inspect debug log.'
fints.exceptions.FinTSNoResponseError: The bank's response did not contain a response to your request, please inspect debug log.

There are two TAN mechanism available, while 920 seems to be the default.

              fints.formals.TwoStepParameters5(security_function='920', tan_process='2', tech_id='BestSign', zka_id='BestSign', zka_version=None, name='BestSign', max_length_input=6, allowed_format=fints.formals.AllowedFormat.ALPHANUMERIC, text_return_value='BestSign', max_length_return_value=999, number_of_supported_lists=0, multiple_tans_allowed=False, tan_time_dialog_association=fints.formals.TANTimeDialogAssociation.NOT_ALLOWED, tan_list_number_required=fints.formals.TANListNumberRequired.NO, cancel_allowed=False, sms_charge_account_required=fints.formals.SMSChargeAccountRequired.MUST_NOT, principal_account_required=fints.formals.PrincipalAccountRequired.MUST, challenge_class_required=False, challenge_structured=True, initialization_mode=fints.formals.InitializationMode.CLEARTEXT_PIN_NO_TAN, description_required=fints.formals.DescriptionRequired.MUST, supported_media_number=9)),
              fints.formals.TwoStepParameters5(security_function='930', tan_process='2', tech_id='mobileTAN', zka_id='mobileTAN', zka_version=None, name='mobileTAN', max_length_input=6, allowed_format=fints.formals.AllowedFormat.ALPHANUMERIC, text_return_value='mobileTAN', max_length_return_value=999, number_of_supported_lists=0, multiple_tans_allowed=False, tan_time_dialog_association=fints.formals.TANTimeDialogAssociation.NOT_ALLOWED, tan_list_number_required=fints.formals.TANListNumberRequired.NO, cancel_allowed=False, sms_charge_account_required=fints.formals.SMSChargeAccountRequired.MUST_NOT, principal_account_required=fints.formals.PrincipalAccountRequired.MUST, challenge_class_required=False, challenge_structured=True, initialization_mode=fints.formals.InitializationMode.CLEARTEXT_PIN_NO_TAN, description_required=fints.formals.DescriptionRequired.MUST, supported_media_number=9))])
henryk commented 5 years ago

Outstanding. I have a Postbank account I can test with. You're right, the API is designed so that methods should return a NeedTANResponse if necessary, but this isn't fully implemented yet, and not at all for "login". I'm now working on it in https://github.com/henryk/python-fints/tree/psd2

raphaelm commented 5 years ago

Nice! I don't have full access to a Postbank account, so I'll need to wait for the Fiducia-based banks to move before I can really test around myself.

jahir commented 5 years ago

Update: Consorsbank managed to get their FinTS system up again. The OB software on my desktop (Banking4) is again able to retrieve transactions (sadly, for some stupid reason, they require a TAN for every retrieval). The behaviour in fints is a little different to Postbank: get_sepa_accounts() works as before, but get_balance(account) fails:

Dialog response: 9050 - Nachricht teilweise fehlerhaft.
Dialog response: 9010 - Verarbeitung nicht möglich.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 512, in get_transactions
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 453, in _fetch_with_touchdowns
    rm = dialog.send(seg)
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/dialog.py", line 133, in send
    self.client.process_response_message(self, response, internal_send=internal_send)
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 230, in process_response_message
    self._process_response(dialog, segment, response)
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 1228, in _process_response
    raise FinTSClientError("Error during dialog initialization, could not fetch BPD. Please check that you "
fints.exceptions.FinTSClientError: Error during dialog initialization, could not fetch BPD. Please check that you passed the correct bank identifier to the HBCI URL of the correct bank.

It seems that even fetching the BPD requires SCA (which would explain why Banking4 requested two TANs when I synchronized the account data).

henryk commented 5 years ago

@jahir Oh great, I feared something like that. I have been working through Sicherheitsverfahren PIN/TAN section B.4.3 and they say something like this about bootstrapping:

This four step process is bad enough (and trying to put that into control flow that gracefully skips steps if cached information is present is what I spent last night thinking about). But now the fun part: Postbank provides the BPD during our current security-function-999-dialogue, so doesn't need an anonymous dialogue. From what @jahir says it seems that Consors requires the anonymous dialogue. On the other hand I'm not sure all banks allow an anonymous dialogue at all. More fun: Without any indication of having done so Postbank implicitly closes the dialogue after their 3920 response, so we can't query HKTAB in the same dialogue.

henryk commented 5 years ago

One more thought: One very useful use case for this library is automated fetches of statements in the background. With SCA and one of the "push" type TAN mechanisms such a scheduled process would trigger a push to the user, which is both annoying and indistinguishable from an attack. Many banks are implementing the allowed exception of only requiring one SCA every 90 days.

Ideally we would be able to probe whether an SCA is required before triggering it. My idea is to switch us into SCA-unaware mode by not transmitting HKTAN6 in the dialogue opening (same as now) and then maybe getting a 9075 response. (A library user that encounters this in a scheduled job would then alert the user via out-of-band means (e.g. e-mail) to trigger an SCA once manually.)

Implementation idea: FinTS3PinTanClient gets a new mode parameter with these possible values:

API wise I think something like this should be the least deviation from current state, and easiest for library users to integrate:

Var A Do not risk pushing a TAN to the user, use this in background

  with FinTS3PinTanClient(..., mode=FinTSClientMode.SCA_UNAWARE) as client:
    txns = client.get_transactions(...)
except FinTSSCARequiredError:
  # notify user

Var B With possible TAN input, use this in normal UI

with FinTS3PinTanClient(..., mode=FinTSClientMode.SCA_AWARE) as client:
  # May call query methods to query and select security mechanism and tan medium
  tan_media = client.get_tan_media()

  r = client.perform_sca()
  if isinstance(r, NeedRetryResponse):
    # Need to request and input TAN. This may involve a Flicker code or similar
    tan = input("TAN")
    client.send_tan(r, tan)
  # The dialogue is now open and can be used as normal
  txns = client.get_transactions(...)

(Web apps can split this flow by issuing .pause_dialog() and .deconstruct() in the case of NeedRetryResponse)

Caveat: I'm not sure all banks will allow Var A going forward. Library users should make sure to make scheduled polling optional (and strive to keep dialogues open as long as possible and reuse them whenever possible).

The current code tries to be as unobstrusive as possible and will only send to the bank if really necessary. This would change with SCA_AWARE: For proper function we'll have to open multiple dialogues and gather several kinds of data, the library will become comparatively noisy (well, not as noisy as version 1, but still :). Library users are now even more strongly encouraged to use .deconstruct()/from_data= to cache this data between sessions.

raphaelm commented 5 years ago

Great thoughts! Some comments:

sca_unaware: Current behaviour. Do not send HKTAN6 in dialogue establishment. Raise 9075 response as SCARequiredError. If no SCA is required, the client will work as normal. sca_aware: New behaviour. The user will need to use a new method perform_sca() with a standing dialogue.

If we introduce a "high-level mode of operation" for this use-case, do we really want to make it an "SCA" mode? In the end, SCA is just one very specific instance of the more general problem that the library sometimes is run with user attention and sometimes is run in the background and needs to handle things differently in these cases. Maybe a better description wouldn't be "SCA (un)aware" but "interactive"/"non-interactive"?

To be clear, this is mostly about naming for now, but we don't know that the future holds for us...

API wise I think something like this should be the least deviation from current state, and easiest for library users to integrate:

That's always great, but I don't think it's the most important thing to consider in this case. My impression is that 90% of the users of this library use it in very simple scripts that pull data or init a transfer and are easy to migrate to API changes.

Caveat: I'm not sure all banks will allow Var A going forward. Library users should make sure to make scheduled polling optional (and strive to keep dialogues open as long as possible and reuse them whenever possible).

Well, there's only one way to find out – but even if only some banks will allow it, it would still be useful.

jahir commented 5 years ago

Next to follow: Fiducia (service provider for Volksbank/Raiffeisenbank). At least they provide the real reason why the dialog fails. (Last example, makes probably no sense to post every single bank here)

>>> accounts = f.get_sepa_accounts()
Dialog response: 9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler.
Dialog response: 9075 - Starke Kundenauthentifizierung notwendig.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 433, in get_sepa_accounts
    for seg in response.find_segments(HISPA1, throw=True):
  File "/home/jh/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/types.py", line 293, in find_segments
    'The bank\'s response did not contain a response to your request, please inspect debug log.'
fints.exceptions.FinTSNoResponseError: The bank's response did not contain a response to your request, please inspect debug log.
j-ittner commented 5 years ago

Outstanding. I have a Postbank account I can test with. You're right, the API is designed so that methods should return a NeedTANResponse if necessary, but this isn't fully implemented yet, and not at all for "login". I'm now working on it in https://github.com/henryk/python-fints/tree/psd2

Many thanks Henryk, this is great. I have a Postbank account as well (and no more fints access since the weekend) - happy to volunteer as tester!

raphaelm commented 5 years ago

Yes, Fiducia rolled out their update today, but only partially. As far as I can see (at least with GLS Bank and BBBank), they do require SCA support to create a dialog, but they do not yet require TANs for dialog initialization. They only require TANs if you try to fetch transactions older than 90 days. According to a message within the BBBank interface, they will start requiring TANs for login in December.

I did some more work based on @henryk's branch. I created the new exception Henryk proposed in da8d263aac21b8651801753b7db43b1e426f6fc2, declared HKTAN6 support in d8e5820b04b3023edc42ff4760ab098fda281500 and then hacked a few things until I was able to fetch transactions again in 03b35b839b152487df6655d374ff253598127a46. Basically, all I did was adding a HKTAN segment to dialog initialization and allow transaction fetching to be two-step.

This is far from being a nice implementation or API and there are some open problems, e.g. TAN entering during initialization probably does not yet work, and we should still go the way Henryk proposed.

But for right now, it allows Fiducia customers to continue fetching transactions in the background.

Installation is possible through pip install -U "git+https://github.com/raphaelm/python-fints.git@psd2#egg=fints". No warranties that anything works or keeps working ;)

raphaelm commented 5 years ago

@henryk During implementing this, I got some doubts that your approach will work:

sca_unaware: Current behaviour. Do not send HKTAN6 in dialogue establishment. Raise 9075 response as SCARequiredError. If no SCA is required, the client will work as normal.

BBBank does not require SCA, but they still respond with 9075 if I do not sent HKTAN6 :(

sqozz commented 5 years ago

But for right now, it allows Fiducia customers to continue fetching transactions in the background.

I tried it with a bank using Fiducia and unfortunately it does not work for me because my bank seems to require SCA for getting the accounts (which are needed to fetch transactions).

>>> from fints.client import FinTS3PinTanClient
>>> f = FinTS3PinTanClient(blz, account, pin, endpoint)
You should register your program with the ZKA and pass your own product_id as a parameter.
>>> f.get_sepa_accounts()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/sqozz/test/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 440, in get_sepa_accounts
    with self._get_dialog() as dialog:
  File "/home/sqozz/test/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/dialog.py", line 37, in __enter__
  File "/home/sqozz/test/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/dialog.py", line 80, in init
    retval = self.send(*segments, internal_send=True)
  File "/home/sqozz/test/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/dialog.py", line 141, in send
    self.client.process_response_message(self, response, internal_send=internal_send)
  File "/home/sqozz/test/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 230, in process_response_message
    self._process_response(dialog, None, response)
  File "/home/sqozz/test/venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 1266, in _process_response
    raise FinTSSCARequiredError("This operation requires strong customer authentication.")
fints.exceptions.FinTSSCARequiredError: This operation requires strong customer authentication.

Please let me know if you need more info.

raphaelm commented 5 years ago

Currently, you need to use a standing dialog in interactive mode and you need to set the security function manually. Sorry, should have added that:

f = FinTS3PinTanClient(…,
f.set_tan_mechanism('942')   # eg for mobiletan at gls
with f:
sqozz commented 5 years ago

Currently, you need to use a standing dialog in interactive mode and you need to set the security function manually. Sorry, should have added that:

Thanks a lot! Interestingly enough a f.get_tan_mechanisms() returns an empty dict for my account. While digging around I saw 999 somewhere and tried that. It seems to be unsupported (get_balances returns a proper answer; Dialog response: 3920 - Zugelassene TAN-Verfahren für den Benutzer (['962', '972', '982'])) but allows me to fetch accounts and balances again :+1:

Besides that, is it expected that mode=FinTSClientMode.INTERACTIVE just works as before? I was expecting some interactive tan dialog or something. Sorry if this is a foolish question but I really fail to find proper information on that whole topic :(

KlausReitzmann commented 5 years ago

Hello, i was changing to FinTS in Hope to overcome the PSD2. With the great help here i was able to catch the get_transaction() to Raiffeisenbank for less than 90 Days. I also tried to do a request for more than this time. With a little hack of client._fetch_with_touchdowns() i could get the bank to send me a mTAN, but no luck in getting the transactions after send_tan. Has anyone already solved this.

i tried this dirty code which runs without error but no transctions send :

      isTAN=self._send_with_possible_retry(dialog, seg, _continue)
        if isinstance(isTAN , NeedTANResponse):
           tan = input('Please enter TAN:')
           with self._get_dialog() as TANdialog:
               tan_seg = self._get_tan_segment(isTAN.command_seg, '2', isTAN.tan_request)
               self._pending_tan = tan
               response = TANdialog.send(tan_seg)
           logger.info (response)
           self._send_with_possible_retry(dialog, seg, _continue)

it is at the end after the loop.

v-gar commented 5 years ago

I can reproduce the problems today with a northern Volksbank (fomer GAD region, now Fidicua & GAD). I also noticed the same behaviour @sqozz already reported on aqbanking and python-fints: an SCA is requested but f.get_tan_mechanisms() returns an empty OrderectDict(). f.get_tan_media() returns fints.exceptions.FinTSUnsupportedOperation: No supported HITABS version found. I support (4, 5), bank supports ().

MWFIAE commented 5 years ago

I try to handle dkb, has anybody else success with that?

jHetzer commented 5 years ago

I would be able to perform some tests for:

ValentinVoigt commented 5 years ago

I can offer testing with https://banking-bw4.s-fints-pt-bw.de/fints30

Right now I tried the following:

f = FinTS3PinTanClient(

with f:
        accounts = f.get_sepa_accounts()

Crashes at line "with f:" with:

fints.exceptions.FinTSClientError: Error during dialog initialization, could not fetch BPD. Please check that you passed the correct bank identifier to the HBCI URL of the correct bank.

Logging shows the following response from FinTS server:

9075: Aufrufe ohne PSD2-Modus nicht mehr erlaubt, Dialog abgebrochen

Calls without PSD2-Mode are not allowed anymore. Dialog cancelled.

The same code without with-statement crashes at get_sepa_accounts(). get_tan_mechanisms() returns empty OrderedDict now. A few days ago it returned useful data; that's how I got "910" as TAN mechanism. get_tan_media() seems to work fine.

Not setting the TAN mechanism leads to get_sepa_accounts() actually working, but f.get_transactions() returns an empty list. Logging shows, that a lot of data is actually transfered (I can see account names), but I can't find much meaningful in there. These are the "text ="-lines:

Bitte beachten Sie die enthaltenen Warnungen/Hinweise.
UPD nicht mehr aktuell, aktuelle Version enthalten.
Zugelassene Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren für den Benutzer.
Der Auftrag wurde ausgeführt.
Starke Kundenauthentifizierung nicht notwendig.
Die Nachricht enthält Fehler.
Anzahl Signaturen für diesen Auftrag unzureichend laut UPD oder BPD.
Nachricht entgegengenommen.
Dialog beendet.

Please see the attached warning/noties. UPD not up-to-date, new version attached. Allowed to-factor-methods for the user. Task was executed. Strong customer authentification not necessary. Message contains errors. Number of signatures not sufficient according to UPD or BPD. Message received. Dialog closed.

get_balance() returns None.

Let me know if you need any more info.

MyUserForGitHub commented 5 years ago

I had been using this libary a few weeks until PSD2 came, only to retrieve transactions from the last month (called every day). Volksbank is working with the PSD2 branch. Thanks!

DKB (https://banking-dkb.s-fints-pt-dkb.de/fints30) is not working: "Anzahl Signaturen für diesen Auftrag unzureichend laut UPD oder BPD." I tried different tan mechanisms from this thread, but no success. get_tan_mechanisms() returns an empty list.

Is there any quick solution or things I can test? Thanks.

lnobach commented 5 years ago

I can confirm that the behavior described by @ValentinVoigt and @MyUserForGitHub. Using the DKB FinTS interface and the latest checkout of the psd2 branch.

I have a FinTS dump of a working transactions sync between Hibiscus/hbci4java and the DKB endpoint (here no SCA is needed :smiley:), but it is very hard for me to remove all sensitive information to share it. I will try to find any differences instead.

cfstras commented 4 years ago

Testing with Kasseler Sparkasse (https://banking-hs3.s-fints-pt-hs.de/fints30): With mode INTERACTIVE, version 357c03235c32affaa1099a670f3bf2c11b23c2cf

If there's anything I could do to help, don't hesitate to ask :)

raphaelm commented 4 years ago

I fixed a few more things. Logging in and getting transactions should now fully work, at least it does with all banks I have access to. All other methods are not yet touched.

There are still lots of moving parts, and I wrote about what feedback would be helpful in #95.

bdombrowsky commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that Volksbank and Comdirect are working with the latest version.

Thanks a lot for this!

dr-duplo commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that Ing-Diba and Norisbank is working at least for me.

krater commented 4 years ago

On my side, ING DiBa is not working. Maybee another problem, see #96.

amtx commented 4 years ago

Funktioniert aktuell bei irgend jemand der Abruf der Kontoauszüge bei der Postbank (unter debian 9.9)? Habe das bisher so gemacht:

f = FinTS3PinTanClient(blz, account, pin, endpoint) konten = f.get_sepa_accounts() bewegungen = f.get_transactions(konten[0], datetime.date(2019, 6, 1), datetime.date.today())

Was kann ich tun damit das wieder geht? Kann ich helfen? Danke für jeden Hinweis

jahir commented 4 years ago

Funktioniert aktuell bei irgend jemand der Abruf der Kontoauszüge bei der Postbank

Siehe #95: branch psd2 auschecken und mode=FinTSClientMode.INTERACTIVE benutzen.

amtx commented 4 years ago

Vielen Dank nochmal - hatte bei den letzten Versuchen irgendwo einen Dreher drin.

asdil12 commented 4 years ago

Still not working with DKB using todays git version if fints:

>>> HBCI_URL = 'https://banking-dkb.s-fints-pt-dkb.de/fints30'
>>> f = FinTS3PinTanClient(BLZ, USER, PASS, HBCI_URL)
You should register your program with the ZKA and pass your own product_id as a parameter.
>>> accounts = f.get_sepa_accounts()
Dialog response: 9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler.
Dialog response: 9800 - Dialog abgebrochen
Dialog response: 9010 - Die angegebene Bankreferenz/Dialog-ID ist nicht gültig.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 430, in get_sepa_accounts
    response = dialog.send(HKSPA1())
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fints/dialog.py", line 133, in send
    self.client.process_response_message(self, response, internal_send=internal_send)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 219, in process_response_message
    self._process_response(dialog, None, response)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/fints/client.py", line 1228, in _process_response
    raise FinTSClientError("Error during dialog initialization, could not fetch BPD. Please check that you "
fints.exceptions.FinTSClientError: Error during dialog initialization, could not fetch BPD. Please check that you passed the correct bank identifier to the HBCI URL of the correct bank.
MyUserForGitHub commented 4 years ago

Same for me with DKB:

get_sepa_accounts... ERROR:fints.client:Dialog response: 9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. ERROR:fints.client:Dialog response: 9800 - Dialog abgebrochen ERROR:fints.client:Dialog response: 9340 - Ungültige Auftragsnachricht: Ungültige Signatur. ERROR:fints.client:Dialog response: 9010 - Auftrag wegen genereller Fehler in Auftragsnachricht nicht verarbeitet.

Logging in with the DKB App, in Web with DKB-App or TAN generator does not help. Volksbank is working.

raphaelm commented 4 years ago

Closing this since the PSD branch is merged, see also here: https://github.com/raphaelm/python-fints/pull/95#issuecomment-568289618

martin3000 commented 3 years ago

I can confirm that Volksbank and Comdirect are working with the latest version.

Can you show an example for comdirect?