raphaelmor / Polyline

Polyline encoder / decoder in swift
MIT License
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Error updating Carthage #41

Closed BoogieMAN2K closed 7 years ago

BoogieMAN2K commented 7 years ago

When running carthage update I'm having this error on the terminal

A shell task (/usr/bin/xcrun xcodebuild -project /Users/VictorAlejandria/Developer/Projects/Viantti/Viantti/Carthage/Checkouts/Polyline/Polyline.xcodeproj -scheme PolylineTV -configuration Release -sdk appletvos ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=NO BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE=bitcode CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED=NO CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY= CARTHAGE=YES clean build) failed with exit code 65: BUILD FAILED

The following build commands failed: CompileSwift normal arm64 /Users/VictorAlejandria/Developer/Projects/Viantti/Viantti/Carthage/Checkouts/Polyline/Polyline/Polyline.swift CompileSwiftSources normal arm64 com.apple.xcode.tools.swift.compiler (2 failures)

Any help.

1ec5 commented 7 years ago

Fixed in #40.