raphaelquintao / QRedshiftCinnamon

Linux Cinnamon applet to change screen color temperature
Apache License 2.0
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no refreshment after moving manually cursors bright or temp since Qredshift 1.5.4 (2021-02-24 22:37:53) #31

Closed didier-linux closed 3 years ago

didier-linux commented 3 years ago

Dear Raphael Quintao,

Thanks a lot for this great application, since I use it, I can't do without. I did an update of the latest version (1.5.4 (2021-02-24 22:37:53) and observed a bug since the update : first method: changing manually "temp" or "bright" cursors with lclick on mouse, slip and release mouse does not change temp nor bright. After moving the cursor this way, temp or bright are change only after performing a "reload applet" but, second method, changing manually "temp" or "bright" cursors by left clicking directly on the cursor bar works to the condition the first method as not been tried before. Scrolling the mouse on cursor to change bright or temp behaves exactly as slip with the mouse. This bug occurs only since the version 1.5.4, and occurs either with day or night cursors. I did not change any options before and after the update. I also did what is recommanded on installation, removing a redshift-gtk package and disable redshift ...

raphaelquintao commented 3 years ago

Hi, This error don't occurs to me, I did a clean installation o LMDE 4 to test. I have no idea whats can be happening to you. Have you tried change the adjustment method?

Can you make a quick test?

Another question: When you slide the sliders, the label changes?

didier-linux commented 3 years ago

Hello Raphael, That is a good news it works for you with LMDE4, thanks to have tested it here is the result : Qredshifterr.txt

When I slide the sliders, label values ar changing. In spite, I installed the latest version today 1.5.5, I still have exactly the same bug. Don't hesitate to ask me for other tests

raphaelquintao commented 3 years ago

I cant figure out your problem. I released the version 1.6.0 today, but i don't think it will work for you.

Try to install version 1.5.3 and lets see what happens:

Let me know if works...

didier-linux commented 3 years ago

Hello Raphael, unfortunately, update to 1.6 did not change anything But installing the 1.5.3 version with the procedure you kindly gave me works perfectly, thank you very much Raphael ! So, conclusion is

mz1193 commented 3 years ago

For what it's worth, I had the exact same issue and similar (as in, nothing useful, sadly) log output on my end, and it's fixed by reverting to 1.5.3. I'm running Debian 11 (Bullseye) with Cinnamon 4.8.6

didier-linux commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this feedback, zara. Have you the possibility to check it easily on debian 10 ? It should work on debian10 since Raphael did successfully the test on LMDE4 which is the same as debian 10 with main contrib non-free backports activated and an additionnal mint repository. But even if it works on debian10, it will not explain why it does not work on my machine ... Didier

mz1193 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for this feedback, zara. Have you the possibility to check it easily on debian 10 ? It should work on debian10 since Raphael did successfully the test on LMDE4 which is the same as debian 10 with main contrib non-free backports activated and an additionnal mint repository. But even if it works on debian10, it will not explain why it does not work on my machine ... Didier

Unfortunately I don't have a machine with Debian 10 installed at the moment so I am unable to test it there, my apologies

wavesurf432 commented 3 years ago

Hello there, I'm having the same issue with Linux Mint 19.3 (Cinnamon 4.4.8).

Clicking and dragging temperature or brightness (both Night & Day if I remember correct) causes QRedshift to glitch out. To solve the issue you have to reload QRedshift, then the correct temperature and/or brightness is present. Single clicks don't cause the application to bug out, only dragging side to side.

Mar-tux commented 3 years ago

Hello, same Problem here. I can confirm, that version 1.5.3 is the last one that works without bugs on LMDE 4. And what have i learned from this? Never, ever update a program that is working perfectly without a need.

Thanks Raphael for the solution. :-) And i absolutely like your applet! It is much better than redshift-gtk.



raphaelquintao commented 3 years ago

Hi! Good news! I found the problem and will release a new version this week with more details. Everyone can update safely.


raphaelquintao commented 3 years ago

Hi again!

As i said i found the problem, i don't know if everyone here is a dev, but i will explain what i noticed. This applet works by calling redshift in one-shot mode, so when you drag the slider, its call redshift multiple times, in version 1.5.3 and all previous versions i call the redshift in a synchronous way, in 1.5.4 i change to a asynchronous call. But i noticed that to many asynchronous calls on some computers can make the applet to crash in some mysterious way. By the way its never happened on my computer (an i7), but i noticed that problem in a old Core 2 Duo that i was using. So i suspect i will only happens in some slow computer or notebooks.

Anyway i reverted the main call back to synchronous, the only problem is that the cinnamon will show the annoying message again: This applet contains function calls that could potentially cause Cinnamon to crash or freeze.

If you wanna try that before release you can donwload it here: qredshift@quintao_1.7.0b.zip. And follow the instructions mentioned on https://github.com/raphaelquintao/QRedshift/issues/31#issuecomment-803257032 to install.

I would appreciate some feedback. Maybe whoever is having this problem can tell me their hardware, to validate my guess.

Best Regards.

didier-linux commented 3 years ago

Hello Raphael

Excellent work ! I installed the beta version and it seems OK. I suggest you to let it works a few days on my computer in order to check it more deeply. I am not a dev but by reading you I have the feeling I understood that the only reason you did not first chose the synchronous way (synchronous with cinnamon clock?) is for not to get the warning message in spite the synchonous way seems to be the best one, what you did on this last beta version ? Thanks to the power 1000 to give us this wonderful application ! Cinnamon should really integrate it as the default application Didier

didier-linux commented 3 years ago

Hello Raphael, This last beta version is perfectly working since 3 days on my computer, for me it is OK Regards, Didier

wavesurf432 commented 3 years ago

Just updated to the latest version and everything seems to be working again. I haven't gone through the day to night transition yet, but if anything pops up I'll let you know.

As for hardware, I'm on a laptop from 2010 I believe.

Thanks again for the great applet - really wonderful.

raphaelquintao commented 3 years ago

So, i think i can safely close that thread.

Thanks everyone! 🍻