/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/yasa/spectral.py in bandpower(data, sf, ch_names, hypno, include, win_sec, relative, bandpass, bands, kwargs_welch)
150 assert hypno.size == npts, "Hypno must have same size as data.shape[1]"
151 assert include.size >= 1, "include must have at least one element."
--> 152 assert hypno.dtype.kind == include.dtype.kind, "hypno and include must have same dtype"
153 assert np.in1d(
154 hypno, include
bandpower = yasa.bandpower(raw, hypno=hypno_up, include=(2, 3, 4))
I got up to EEG power in specific frequency bands in your tutorial, but after that I get this error. I'm using my data, not an example.
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call last) in <cell line: 1>() ----> 1 bandpower = yasa.bandpower(raw, hypno=hypno_up, include=(0))
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/yasa/spectral.py in bandpower(data, sf, ch_names, hypno, include, win_sec, relative, bandpass, bands, kwargs_welch) 150 assert hypno.size == npts, "Hypno must have same size as data.shape[1]" 151 assert include.size >= 1, "include must have at least one element." --> 152 assert hypno.dtype.kind == include.dtype.kind, "hypno and include must have same dtype" 153 assert np.in1d( 154 hypno, include