raphamorim / rio

A hardware-accelerated GPU terminal emulator focusing to run in desktops and browsers.
MIT License
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Feature request: Blur on Windows 11 #594

Open Paulo-21 opened 3 months ago

Paulo-21 commented 3 months ago

Hello, just would like to report that blur on windows 11 is not working And opacity and blur on windows 10 is not working too ( i don't know if this is normal)

blinking-cursor = true
performance = "High"
disable-unfocused-render = false
use-fork = true
working-dir = "/Users/paulc/Desktop/code"
line-height = 1.0
theme = ""
padding-x = 0.0
cursor = "▇"
env-vars = []
option-as-alt = "false"
ignore-selection-fg-color = false

mode = "BottomTab"
color-automation = []
clickable = false
use-current-path = true
use-terminal-title = false
macos-hide-window-buttons = false

width = 600
height = 400
mode = "Windowed"
opacity = 0.5
blur = true


program = "pwsh"
args = []

size = 18.0

family = "cascadiacode"
weight = 400
style = "normal"

family = "cascadiacode"
weight = 800
style = "normal"

family = "cascadiacode"
weight = 800
style = "italic"

family = "cascadiacode"
weight = 400
style = "italic"

enable-fps-counter = false
log-level = "OFF"

keys = []
raphamorim commented 3 months ago

Hey @Paulo-21 sorry for the delay on it, unfortunately blur on windows isn't supported https://docs.rs/winit/latest/winit/window/struct.Window.html#method.set_blur

I will leave this issue open as a feature request to look up.

Lake-Jee commented 1 week ago

As a fellow Windows user I would love to see this feature!