raphlinus / font-rs

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accumulate_sse will not compile in msvc 14.0 due to __m128 cast #14

Closed MichaelMitchellM closed 6 years ago

MichaelMitchellM commented 7 years ago

Hello, I tried compiling the project in windows 10 with current non-beta rust and got an error when Cargo tried compiling accumulate_sse.c. I put the code in VS 2015 and it takes issue with this line . I found the fix on stackoverflow, it essentially amounts to replacing that line with _mm_store_ss((float *)&out[i], _mm_castsi128_ps(z)); After making this change the project builds succesfully.

raphlinus commented 6 years ago

Looks like it's fixed by #18. Thanks for that. Will close the other two PR's, with apologies for not attending to them earlier.