× Finalizing package
› The main entry point to your app was not found. Make sure "c:\projects\awsaml\src\main\index.js" exists and does not get ignored by your ignore option
■ Running postPackage hook
■ Running preMake hook
■ Making distributables
■ Running postMake hook
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
Error: The main entry point to your app was not found. Make sure "c:\projects\awsaml\src\main\index.js" exists and does not get ignored by your ignore option
at Object.validateElectronApp (c:\projects\awsaml\node_modules\electron-packager\src\common.js:115:13)
This error doesn't happen with the following change:
On Windows, run:
set ARCH=x64
set PLATFORM=win32
yarn build
It errors with:
This error doesn't happen with the following change: