Closed deanvin2019 closed 4 years ago
Please specify a working SMTP server. There appears to be nothing running on
how to establish a SMTP server on my own Machine??
Hi, i install postgresql on my machine and start the ssh server with this: first: sudo apt install postgresql
sudo apt install openssh-server [if you have already the ssh server installed you can use this command to check it]
sudo service ssh status [if is off restart the server or start it]
the start the postgresql server with this:
sudo service postgresql restart [i like to restart to make no errors]
third: start the msfconsole and do all the tinks you thit but this time on the smtpaddress set the ip address to your machine ip address you can see what is your ip address with this command:
sudo ifconfig
if this command didn't work use this:
ip addr
after do all this and setup your ssh server and postgresql you can run the exploit, if your kali linux give an error by opening the 25 port, you can open a new terminal tab and execute this command:
nc -l -p 25
and then run it again if give another error e can't help because i have that issue
Why? [-] Auxiliary triggered a timeout exception
hi again, I did the exploit again but this time it worked, so what you can do is in the SMTP address you can set up to google SMTP server or yahoo SMTP server the SMTP from google is:
and set the SMTP username to your Gmail account and the smtppassword to your Gmail password just a little note the Gmail need to have the less secure app's login to enable it use this link to goo there
and the run it, as simple as that
Hi, I've gotten it to send text messages to my phone, but the texts are showing up with my Gmail username instead of the name I select in SMTPFROM. Does anyone know how to correct this? Will I need to use my own SMTP server instead of google's for this to work properly?
what the SMTP and haw to create a accont SMTP
The SMTP service, like Google, dosent need that complication you just need a e-mail account man. If you are using the Google SMTP service then you need a Gmail account if you are using the Yahoo SMTP service then you need a Yahoo e-mail account Simple as it can be.
When you were using it with the Google SMTP server, did the SMTPFROM show up on the other end or was it your gmail username?
msf6 auxiliary(client/sms/send_text) > exploit
[] Sending text (19 bytes) to 1 number(s)... [] Done. [*] Auxiliary module execution completed msf6 auxiliary(client/sms/send_text) >
but no message received me
how you did it work
Moi aussi @azzizbl j'ai ressu aucun message alors que l'execution a bien marché
Why [-] Auxiliary triggered a timeout exception
Hi, i install postgresql on my machine and start the ssh server with this: first: sudo apt install postgresql
sudo apt install openssh-server [if you have already the ssh server installed you can use this command to check it]
sudo service ssh status [if is off restart the server or start it]
the start the postgresql server with this:
sudo service postgresql restart [i like to restart to make no errors]
third: start the msfconsole and do all the tinks you thit but this time on the smtpaddress set the ip address to your machine ip address you can see what is your ip address with this command:
sudo ifconfig
if this command didn't work use this:
ip addr
after do all this and setup your ssh server and postgresql you can run the exploit, if your kali linux give an error by opening the 25 port, you can open a new terminal tab and execute this command:
nc -l -p 25
and then run it again if give another error e can't help because i have that issue
Why [-] Auxiliary triggered a timeout exception
Why? [-] Auxiliary triggered a timeout exception
Bro did you solve this problem
i use kali 2019 and wanted to spoof SMS using Metaploit
How'd you do it? metasploit 2.use auxiliary/client/sms/send_text 3.set all request give me under error: msf5 auxiliary(client/sms/send_text) > [-] Auxiliary failed: Errno::ECONNREFUSED Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 25 [-] Call stack: [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/smtp.rb:539:in initialize' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/smtp.rb:539:inopen' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/smtp.rb:539:in tcp_socket' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/smtp.rb:549:inblock in do_start' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:93:in block in timeout' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/timeout.rb:103:intimeout' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/smtp.rb:548:in do_start' [-] /usr/lib/ruby/2.5.0/net/smtp.rb:518:instart' [-] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/rex/proto/sms/client.rb:54:in send_text_to_phones' [-] /usr/share/metasploit-framework/lib/msf/core/auxiliary/sms.rb:62:insend_text' what problem? please help