rapid7 / metasploit-framework

Metasploit Framework
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Metasploit being reinitiliazed by Kaspersky #16008

Closed MrUndead13 closed 2 years ago

MrUndead13 commented 2 years ago

Good evening, I just installed Kaspersky Internet Security on my MacBook Air M1 (Monterey 12.1) and after doing a scan it quarantined all Metasploit files. So I added /opt/metasploit-framework to exceptions and reinstalled Metasploit (after turning Kaspersky off and on after the installation). From now on, Metasploit works but every time I restart my MacBook, msfconsole is deleted from the path and when I run msfconsole from the /bin directory, it initialized it (database and data) just like if I was launching it for the first time.

Is there another folder to put into the exceptions to avoid that or another fix ?

Thanks in advance :)

gwillcox-r7 commented 2 years ago

We generally recommend running Metasploit on a VM rather than your primary machine for reasons such as this one. If possible I would try to use a VM, however if this is not possible then what I would recommend is to see if dynamic behavioral scanning is taking place. This sometimes happens with Windows Defender whereby a file could be labeled as fine on disk, but when its executed in memory the dynamic behavioral analysis engine catches the file again and prevents it from executing or quarantines it.

I'd also recommend perhaps installing it all into one directory and then adding an exception for that directory. You could do this by cloning the Git repo using the instructions at https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/wiki/Setting-Up-a-Metasploit-Development-Environment whilst disabling your AV, set an exception on the directory you cloned the Git repo into, and then reenable the AV. This won't stop any behavioral analysis from blocking things, but should prevent disk scans from picking up and removing your files.

Hope that helps :)

gwillcox-r7 commented 2 years ago

Labeling this as a question since this isn't a bug in Metasploit Framework itself and is instead more of a question on how to install Metasploit Framework given the AV restrictions.

MrUndead13 commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much for all this information ! VirtualBox and VMWare are not supported on M1 right now so I'll try looking for behavioral scanning ! Thank you !

gwillcox-r7 commented 2 years ago

@MrUndead13 I think VMWare has a VMWare Fusion version that works for M1 Mac that is in Tech Preview right now? See https://blogs.vmware.com/teamfusion/2021/09/fusion-for-m1-public-tech-preview-now-available.html. The download link should be https://vmware.com/go/get-fusion-m1

Also no problem for the information, just some stuff I gathered whilst trying to do some AV bypasses a long time ago 😄

MrUndead13 commented 2 years ago

Oh that's great ! That would help a lot on another project I have !! I'll look into that !

Thanks again for everything since this is life saving for me ^^

h00die commented 2 years ago

I have a hunch it's hitting on the postgres database file. Find out where it is, and whitelist that file/folder as well

MrUndead13 commented 2 years ago

Do you know a command to do it please ? All the locations I found online are mentioning folders I haven't created...

adfoster-r7 commented 2 years ago

The configuration for Metasploit exists in ~/.msf4

MrUndead13 commented 2 years ago

@adfoster-r7 Thanks ! I previously added this folder to the exception list but I still have the same issue unfortunately...

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