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The notes command should be able to search based on sub-field #5843

Open Viss opened 9 years ago

Viss commented 9 years ago

In pentests where customers have multiple domains (this client has 8) it would be super handy to be able to group hosts by domain, so that credentials could be re-used more easily.

Coincidentally, (and this should probably be a separate ask), it would be really nice to 'assign creds to a domain', so that things like psexec and other auth-based attacks would "just know" what creds to use when doing authenticated code execution.

void-in commented 9 years ago

I have faced this situation as well. The smb_version module output shows both the hostname/ip address and domain but hosts command don't. To overcome this limitation in the meantime, you can use notes -S in order to filter out the specific domain machines you want. But hosts showing domain info will definitely be useful.

nixawk commented 9 years ago

@Viss Sometimes, we can find one domain for serval ips, and one ip for serval domain. Hosts command can help us to target domains with -S,

msf > hosts -m "rapid7.com"
msf > hosts -m "rapid7.com"
msf > hosts -m "dev.rapid7.com"
msf > hosts -S rapid7.com -R
Viss commented 9 years ago

so in this context, the customer I'm working on has something like 7 domains. Sadly (for them), they have multiple domains scattered about through /24's. That means will have 3 domains in it and will have 2. It would be easy to pair up 'known good domain creds' to a subnet block if they did it consistently, but in this case, if I want to, for the sake of theatrics, exploit every host in a domain, or run the webcam_list module on every host in a domain, I need to use specific domain creds - and to do that I have to know what machines are in what domain. It seems you can't really do that 'after the fact', enmasse.

being able to search 'by user' and 'by domain' would be super super handy, if targeting a single user or targeting a specific domain.

I added a line to one of these domains login script - so upon user login I get shells, which is rad, but unless i look at 'sessions' while the sessions are live, I have no record of what users I was able to compromise (if I'm targeting a specific user, or group of users)

hdm commented 9 years ago

The host:domain relationship is either 1:N or N:N depending on how you structure it. The "notes -S -R" approach is the best path to do this today, so long as your notes were populated with a domain name (via one of the auxiliary modules). I am not sure we need to add any new code to solve this use case.

Viss commented 9 years ago

Despite running multiple aux modules that grab the domain name, none appeared in the notes (I ran MOSTLY smb_version, and some smb_login here and there)

hdm commented 9 years ago

@Viss Got it, I think we can improve things with a small PR.

hdm commented 9 years ago

Our scanner modules do not store the SMB domain (smb_version), once this is fixed, notes -S <domain> -R should be a viable solution.

hdm commented 9 years ago

Actually, this seems to work fine today:

msf auxiliary(smb_version) > notes -S WORKGROUP -t smb.fingerprint -R
[*] Time: 2015-08-31 21:45:10 UTC Note: host= service=smb port=445 protocol=tcp type=smb.fingerprint data={:native_os=>"Windows 10 Enterprise 10240", :native_lm=>"Windows 10 Enterprise 6.3", :os_edition=>"Enterprise", :os_build=>"10240", :SMBName=>"BEHEMOTH", :SMBDomain=>"WORKGROUP"}

Viss commented 9 years ago

I just went back to my environment left over from this last pentest to check. doing 'notes -S DOMAIN' matches the hostname as well as the domain, so if the companys domain is ABC and the workstation names are ABC2389asdf, it matches - however if the domain is XYZ and the hostname is ABC234asdf it still matches - so things get a bit muddled.

Also, it looks like the vast majority of hosts I was able to find came from mass-shelling via GPO modifications and less so from scanning, and when a new shell comes in it looks like no entries land in the db for the domain that host came from (or the username that was associated with the shell - this was an excercise in finding a specific user who ended up using citrix to access the domain, not a desktop)

hdm commented 9 years ago

@Viss Would something like this work?

msf> notes -S BIGCORPDOM -F domain -t smb.fingerprint

The difference being that -F would limit matches to a sub-field.

Viss commented 9 years ago

yeah, being able to specifically search the domain field would be SUPER helpful (same goes for 'the username that initially rode the shell in' :D)