Added a SNMP fingerprint for SonicOS SonicWALL devices that do not include a hardware model in the snmp.banner.
The target that was being tested returnes the following snmp.banner:
SonicWALL SOHO (SonicOS Enhanced
Currently the fingerprinter that almost matches the above expects at least one digit after the hardware product, SOHO, and that digit or set of digits gets asserted as the hw.model.
Because there's no hw.model in the fingerprint seen above, instead of making the hw.model optional (which would mean asserting a null hw.model for the above FP) we've added a second FP that doesn't expect a hw.model.
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Rake tests run successfully. Deploying to nexpose now
Added a SNMP fingerprint for SonicOS SonicWALL devices that do not include a hardware model in the snmp.banner. The target that was being tested returnes the following snmp.banner:
Currently the fingerprinter that almost matches the above expects at least one digit after the hardware product, SOHO, and that digit or set of digits gets asserted as the hw.model.
Because there's no hw.model in the fingerprint seen above, instead of making the hw.model optional (which would mean asserting a null hw.model for the above FP) we've added a second FP that doesn't expect a hw.model.
How Has This Been Tested?
A clear and concise description of your changes were tested. Rake tests run successfully. Deploying to nexpose now