This issue is intended to serve as a point of discussion related to the effort to standardize our handling of the distinguished name values found in x.509 certificate subject and issuer fields. The intent is to arrive at a field ordering that is
portable across programming languages (at least Java, Python, and Go)
1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 is the OID of the EMAILADDRESS attribute. The value includes the DER bytes, including the Type and Length before the value (
TODO before requesting feedback from others:
[ ] Build simple Python, Ruby, Go, and Rust tools that connect to an HTTP endpoint and emit the certificate with the least amount of processing
[ ] Use the tools above to provide reference examples to show the differences
Some example subject values that haven't been accounted for in our prior discussions.
[WIP] Issue
This issue is intended to serve as a point of discussion related to the effort to standardize our handling of the distinguished name values found in x.509 certificate
fields. The intent is to arrive at a field ordering that isCommentary from HD about handling in Go:
Commentary and example from HD on handling of extra fields in Go:
TODO before requesting feedback from others:
Some example subject values that haven't been accounted for in our prior discussions.
From Microsoft Active Directory,