rapidsai / cudf

cuDF - GPU DataFrame Library
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[BUG] Loading `libcudf.so` increases device memory usage by ~300MB #4718

Closed kkraus14 closed 4 years ago

kkraus14 commented 4 years ago

In working with rmm and cudf, if one only uses rmm we observe a lower device memory usage than if we load the libcudf shared library and only use rmm. Apologies for the Python only examples:

Example 1, not loading libcudf.so, device memory usage ~335 MiB:

import rmm

buf = rmm.DeviceBuffer(size=5)
del buf

print("Press enter to exit")

Example 2, loading libcudf.so, device memory usage ~651 MiB:

import rmm
import ctypes

libcudf = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("libcudf.so")

buf = rmm.DeviceBuffer(size=5)
del buf

print("Press enter to exit")

Example 3, construct and destruct buffer then load libcudf.so then construct and destruct buffer again, ~335 MiB in first construct/destruct, ~651 MiB after second construct/destruct:

import rmm
import ctypes

buf = rmm.DeviceBuffer(size=5)
del buf

print("Press enter to continue")

libcudf = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary("libcudf.so")

buf = rmm.DeviceBuffer(size=5)
del buf

print("Press enter to exit")
harrism commented 4 years ago

Running your 3rd example with cudf and RMM 0.14:

(cudf_dev_10.2) mharris@dgx02:~/rapids$ nvprof python test.py
==17274== NVPROF is profiling process 17274, command: python test.py
Press enter to continue

Press enter to exit

==17274== Profiling application: python test.py
==17274== Profiling result:
No kernels were profiled.
            Type  Time(%)      Time     Calls       Avg       Min       Max  Name
      API calls:   99.30%  2.26454s         2  1.13227s  473.90ms  1.79063s  cudaMalloc
                    0.37%  8.5109ms         8  1.0639ms  1.0488ms  1.0700ms  cuDeviceTotalMem
                    0.27%  6.2377ms       776  8.0380us     113ns  321.28us  cuDeviceGetAttribute
                    0.03%  641.85us         2  320.92us  275.21us  366.64us  cudaFree
                    0.02%  526.16us         8  65.770us  62.850us  72.260us  cuDeviceGetName
                    0.00%  18.121us         8  2.2650us  1.3600us  4.8100us  cuDeviceGetPCIBusId
                    0.00%  17.087us         2  8.5430us  8.3120us  8.7750us  cudaStreamSynchronize
                    0.00%  5.8310us        16     364ns     154ns     959ns  cuDeviceGet
                    0.00%  1.6290us         8     203ns     159ns     251ns  cuDeviceGetUuid
                    0.00%  1.4480us         3     482ns     221ns     686ns  cuDeviceGetCount

So as you can see only the two cudaMalloc calls corresponding to the two DeviceBuffer allocations.

So the extra memory must either be do to global device arrays or context overhead.

harrism commented 4 years ago

I believe this is due to the size of the device code in the module.

(cudf_dev_10.2) mharris@dgx02:~/rapids/cudf/cpp/build/release$ cuobjdump -res-usage libcudf.so | grep Function | wc -l

There are 9788 kernel functions in libcudf.so! Removing the legacy API will help, but probably not much. This is going to be an ongoing problem.

harrism commented 4 years ago

We might be able to investigate dividing libcudf into smaller .sos that are loaded on-demand by the main library.

jakirkham commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to figure out which kernels are taking up the most space?

devavret commented 4 years ago

Just curious, why is this a problem? 300MB doesn't seem like a lot of memory to be taken up in device.

jakirkham commented 4 years ago

Workloads people are pushing these days are saturating available memory (and often OOMing). Every bit counts.

devavret commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to figure out which kernels are taking up the most space?

Here are the sizes of the object files generated. I'm not sure if this is supposed to match the amount of space taken up in the final binary. Unsurprisingly, reductions code takes the longest to compile too. Screenshot from 2020-03-28 05-16-31

jrhemstad commented 4 years ago

Just curious, why is this a problem? 300MB doesn't seem like a lot of memory to be taken up in device.

It came up as a problem when trying to use multiple processes per GPU without using MPS. Each process then needs its own context, so it ends up being # processes * 300MB. That can easily be solved by using MPS, which should be done anyways for other reasons.

jrhemstad commented 4 years ago

For anyone wondering why reductions are so expensive, it's because we have to instantiate N N K kernels where N is the number of types we support, and K is the number of reduction operators we support.

Maybe we need to switch reductions over to using Jitify as well.

jakirkham commented 4 years ago

What about strings (since it is next on the list)?

devavret commented 4 years ago

Within reductions, the most space is taken by MIN and MAX, presumably because they work on strings as well.

$ ls -lhS
total 76M
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar  16M Mar 28 05:01 min.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar  16M Mar 28 05:01 max.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 9.5M Mar 28 05:01 scan.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 9.1M Mar 28 05:00 sum_of_squares.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 8.8M Mar 28 05:00 sum.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 8.6M Mar 28 05:00 product.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 3.1M Mar 28 05:00 std.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 3.1M Mar 28 05:00 var.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar 2.8M Mar 28 05:00 mean.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar  25K Mar 28 04:59 reductions.cpp.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar  22K Mar 28 04:59 all.cu.o
-rw-rw-r--  1 dmakkar dmakkar  22K Mar 28 04:59 any.cu.o

And since we don't support strings in JIT code, we have to create a separate compiled version of these just for strings, similar to how we did for binary ops.

One question though, why the discrepancy between output type for groupby reduction and column reduction. Groupby has a fixed 1:1 input-output type mapping determined by target_type_t. Why not follow that for reductions? Especially since the output is a scalar. It shouldn't be too expensive to cast the result scalar to a different type, right? Low hanging fruit.

jrhemstad commented 4 years ago

One question though, why the discrepancy between output type for groupby reduction and column reduction. Groupby has a fixed 1:1 input-output type mapping determined by target_type_t. Why not follow that for reductions?

Because doing the same thing with groupby is effectively impossible. It's possible for reductions, so we do it there.

I'm fine with fixing the output type for reductions if we can still satisfy the needs of users with that approach.

jrhemstad commented 4 years ago

And since we don't support strings in JIT code, we have to create a separate compiled version of these just for strings, similar to how we did for binary ops.

Why don't we support strings in JIT code?

devavret commented 4 years ago

It's possible for reductions, so we do it there.

I’m just wondering if the only difference is that we get a scalar of the desired type, Or am I missing something. And that casting the result will yield different result than specifying type at launch.

harrism commented 4 years ago

We can get more accurate size profiling by using cuobjdump. cuobjdump -xelf all libcudf.so dumps all the cubins. Unfortunately they have unhelpful names like libcudf.165.sm_70.cubin.

Here's a list of the top 10 (there are 201 of them when compiled just for sm_70!) in order of size.

-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia 13204328 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.137.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  8961000 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.166.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  8716392 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.164.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  8562920 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.49.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  8553448 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.50.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  8310376 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.139.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  8310248 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.138.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  7736680 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.168.sm_70.cubin
-rw-r--r-- 1 mharris nvidia  6939112 Mar 29 14:48 libcudf.115.sm_70.cubin

A bit of unix command line composition confirms that the actual code size in the top cabin is close to the file size:

> cuobjdump -elf libcudf.165.sm_70.cubin | grep 'PROGBITS.*\.text' | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f4-4 | paste -sd+ - | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]' | (echo -n "ibase=16; " && cat) | bc

If we look in the elf contents for the .text sections, we can see that there are only two real functions that are the culprits here: three different versions of thrust::scan and thrust::for_each. The scans are each > 4MB (the size is the 3rd integer in each line -- 0x48f380 == 4780928).

22 18080 b9b80 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 76000046 .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_14__parallel_for16ParallelForAgentINS0_10for_each_fINS_17counting_iteratorIiNS_11use_defaultES7_S7_EENS_6detail16wrapped_functionIN4cudf7strings6detail69_GLOBAL__N__45_tmpxft_000085a6_00000000_6_backref_re_cpp1_ii_c02a601111backrefs_fnILm10128EEEvEEEEiEESI_iEEvT0_T1_
 23 d1c00 48f380 0 80 PROGBITS 100006 3 90000047 .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_6__scan9ScanAgentINS_18transform_iteratorIN4cudf7strings6detail69_GLOBAL__N__45_tmpxft_000085a6_00000000_6_backref_re_cpp1_ii_c02a601111backrefs_fnILm10128EEENS_17counting_iteratorIiNS_11use_defaultESD_SD_EESD_SD_EEPiNS_4plusIiEEiiNS_6detail17integral_constantIbLb1EEEEESF_SG_SI_iNS0_3cub13ScanTileStateIiLb1EEENS3_9DoNothingIiEEEEvT0_T1_T2_T3_T4_T5_
 24 560f80 b9b80 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 76000048 .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_14__parallel_for16ParallelForAgentINS0_10for_each_fINS_17counting_iteratorIiNS_11use_defaultES7_S7_EENS_6detail16wrapped_functionIN4cudf7strings6detail69_GLOBAL__N__45_tmpxft_000085a6_00000000_6_backref_re_cpp1_ii_c02a601111backrefs_fnILm1104EEEvEEEEiEESI_iEEvT0_T1_
 25 61ab00 48f380 0 80 PROGBITS 100006 3 90000049 .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_6__scan9ScanAgentINS_18transform_iteratorIN4cudf7strings6detail69_GLOBAL__N__45_tmpxft_000085a6_00000000_6_backref_re_cpp1_ii_c02a601111backrefs_fnILm1104EEENS_17counting_iteratorIiNS_11use_defaultESD_SD_EESD_SD_EEPiNS_4plusIiEEiiNS_6detail17integral_constantIbLb1EEEEESF_SG_SI_iNS0_3cub13ScanTileStateIiLb1EEENS3_9DoNothingIiEEEEvT0_T1_T2_T3_T4_T5_
 26 aa9e80 b9b80 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 7600004a .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_14__parallel_for16ParallelForAgentINS0_10for_each_fINS_17counting_iteratorIiNS_11use_defaultES7_S7_EENS_6detail16wrapped_functionIN4cudf7strings6detail69_GLOBAL__N__45_tmpxft_000085a6_00000000_6_backref_re_cpp1_ii_c02a601111backrefs_fnILm112EEEvEEEEiEESI_iEEvT0_T1_
 27 b63a00 300 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 c00004b .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_14__parallel_for16ParallelForAgentINS0_11__transform17unary_transform_fINS_10device_ptrIKiEEPiNS5_14no_stencil_tagENS_8identityIiEENS5_21always_true_predicateEEElEESF_lEEvT0_T1_
 28 b63d00 48f380 0 80 PROGBITS 100006 3 9000004c .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_6__scan9ScanAgentINS_18transform_iteratorIN4cudf7strings6detail69_GLOBAL__N__45_tmpxft_000085a6_00000000_6_backref_re_cpp1_ii_c02a601111backrefs_fnILm112EEENS_17counting_iteratorIiNS_11use_defaultESD_SD_EESD_SD_EEPiNS_4plusIiEEiiNS_6detail17integral_constantIbLb1EEEEESF_SG_SI_iNS0_3cub13ScanTileStateIiLb1EEENS3_9DoNothingIiEEEEvT0_T1_T2_T3_T4_T5_
 29 ff3080 180 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 a00004d .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_6__scan9InitAgentINS0_3cub13ScanTileStateIiLb1EEEiEES7_iEEvT0_T1_
 2a ff3200 80 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 400004e .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub4core13_kernel_agentINS0_14__parallel_for16ParallelForAgentINS0_10for_each_fINS_10device_ptrINS_4pairIiiEEEENS_6detail16wrapped_functionINSA_23allocator_traits_detail5gozerEvEEEElEESF_lEEvT0_T1_
 2b ff3280 80 0 80 PROGBITS 6 3 400004f .text._ZN6thrust8cuda_cub3cub11EmptyKernelIvEEvv

Demangling the first function name above we get:

void thrust::cuda_cub::core::_kernel_agent<thrust::cuda_cub::__parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<thrust::counting_iterator<int, thrust::use_default, thrust::use_default, thrust::use_default>, thrust::detail::wrapped_function<cudf::strings::detail::(anonymous namespace)::backrefs_fn<10128ul>, void> >, int>, thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<thrust::counting_iterator<int, thrust::use_default, thrust::use_default, thrust::use_default>, thrust::detail::wrapped_function<cudf::strings::detail::(anonymous namespace)::backrefs_fn<10128ul>, void> >, int>(thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<thrust::counting_iterator<int, thrust::use_default, thrust::use_default, thrust::use_default>, thrust::detail::wrapped_function<cudf::strings::detail::(anonymous namespace)::backrefs_fn<10128ul>, void> >, int)

Searching the code base I find backrefs_fn in two files: one legacy (cudf/cpp/custrings/strings/replace_backref.cu) and one libcudf++ file: (cudf/cpp/strings/replace/backref_re.cu). Only the former has both thrust::scan and thrust::for_each, so this .cubin must be due to legacy.

That said, these are very large kernels. Doing similar analysis on the rest of the .cubins will be a bit tedious.

OlivierNV commented 4 years ago

Is it really a significant benefit to have per-type kernels for things like min/max reductions ? (it seems like it would only save a non-divergent branch within the kernel)

harrism commented 4 years ago

If you are suggesting moving type dispatch inside the reduction, I agree that's certainly an option to explore. @karthikeyann explored that for binops (can't find the PR right now, on mobile).

devavret commented 4 years ago

It's possible for reductions, so we do it there.

I’m just wondering if the only difference is that we get a scalar of the desired type, Or am I missing something. And that casting the result will yield different result than specifying type at launch.

I answered my own question. The type being specified at launch is going to follow the behaviour of thrust and stl's reduce functionalities:

T thrust::reduce(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, T init, BinaryFunction binary_op);
T std::accumulate( InputIt first, InputIt last, T init, BinaryOperation op );

where the input iterator is first converted to type T and then passed to the binary operation functor.

Meaning, calling cudf::reduce(sum, int) on [1.5, 2.0, 3.6] should result in 1 + 2 + 3 = 6l rather than (int)(1.5 + 2.0 + 3.6) = (int)7.1 = 7.

So that's a dead end. Pity because when I tried it, fixing the output type gave a big improvement in compile time (1m44s -> 27s) and binary size (68MB -> 12.2 MB)

karthikeyann commented 4 years ago

If you are suggesting moving type dispatch inside the reduction, I agree that's certainly an option to explore. @karthikeyann explored that for binops (can't find the PR right now, on mobile).

compiled binary ops experiment PR https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf/pull/4269

For N is the number of types we support, and K is the number of reduction operators we support, we have N*N*K reduction kernels because of host side type dispatch. That another N term comes here because of type conversion which can be removed by doing a device side dispatch. Since it's just static_cast, there is no significant code change between these kernels. (literally it could be just 1 ptx instruction difference among these N kernels).

karthikeyann commented 4 years ago

That said, these are very large kernels. Doing similar analysis on the rest of the .cubins will be a bit tedious.

whole libcudf.so can be analysed and demangled like this cuobjdump -elf libcudf.so | grep 'PROGBITS.*\.text' | sed "s/.text.//" | c++filt > demangled_list

cat demangled_list | tr -s ' ' | perl -e 'print sort {hex((split(/\s+/,$a))[3]) <=> hex((split(/\s+/,$b))[3])} <>;'  \
| sed 's/, thrust::null_type//g' | sed 's/, thrust::use_default//g'  > sorted_list

grep -Po "void .*?<.*?<" sorted_list | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head

   1989 void parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::__transform::unary_transform_f<
   1676 void cub::DeviceReduceSingleTileKernel<cub::DeviceReducePolicy<
   1548 void cub::DeviceReduceKernel<cub::DeviceReducePolicy<
    509 void parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<
    250 void cudf::experimental::detail::(anonymous namespace)::gpu_rolling<cudf::detail::timestamp<
    244 void scan::ScanAgent<thrust::transform_iterator<
    180 void cudf::experimental::detail::(anonymous namespace)::copy_if_else_kernel<256, cudf::detail::timestamp<
    122 void parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::__uninitialized_fill::functor<
    115 void cudf::unary::gpu_op_kernel<cudf::detail::wrapper<
    105 void cudf::experimental::detail::valid_if_n_kernel<thrust::counting_iterator<
karthikeyann commented 4 years ago

Reduction kernels analysis

lbicudf.so PROGBITS sum = 212421344 PROGBITS cub::DeviceReduceSingleTileKernel and cub::DeviceReduceKernel = 100*(34956928+33131392)/212421344 = 32.05%

libcudf.so size = 352MB

Tried device dispatch for (sum, product, min, max, sos, var, std, mean) for reduction kernel

libcudf.so PROGBITS sum = 199375072 PROGBITS cub::DeviceReduceSingleTileKernel and cub::DeviceReduceKernel = 100*(28852608+26571904)/199375072 = 27.79%

libcudf.so size = 318MB (34MB less)

But unfortunately, it did not have significant effect on idle device memory usage (This BUG!) For Example 3) code (running on 12 core machine with GV100 sm_70 GPU) Old code: rmm (440 MB) + libcudf = 708 MB New code: (reduction device dispatch) rmm (440 MB) + libcudf = 692 MB so, 16MB less = 5.97% less

Here is the top kernel types by count grep -Po "void .*?<.*?<" sorted_list | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head

   1989 void parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::__transform::unary_transform_f<
   1044 void cub::DeviceReduceSingleTileKernel<cub::DeviceReducePolicy<
    916 void cub::DeviceReduceKernel<cub::DeviceReducePolicy<
    437 void parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::for_each_f<
    250 void cudf::experimental::detail::(anonymous namespace)::gpu_rolling<cudf::detail::timestamp<
    244 void scan::ScanAgent<thrust::transform_iterator<
    180 void cudf::experimental::detail::(anonymous namespace)::copy_if_else_kernel<256, cudf::detail::timestamp<
    122 void parallel_for::ParallelForAgent<thrust::cuda_cub::__uninitialized_fill::functor<
    115 void cudf::unary::gpu_op_kernel<cudf::detail::wrapper<
    105 void cudf::experimental::detail::valid_if_n_kernel<thrust::counting_iterator<
devavret commented 4 years ago

Just out of curiosity, what's the size difference in debug build?

harrism commented 4 years ago

I don't think debug builds are succeeding currently, right? Waiting to remove legacy to see if that fixes the relocation problem...

karthikeyann commented 4 years ago

Just out of curiosity, what's the size difference in debug build?

2.0GB libcudf.so debug build size.

Example 3) takes 3026MiB

karthikeyann commented 4 years ago

In working with rmm and cudf, if one only uses rmm we observe a lower device memory usage than if we load the libcudf shared library and only use rmm.

CUDA runtime loads the cubin files (modules) to GPU on first invocation of CUDA runtime APIs. so even if libcudf APIs are not used, the loaded cubin files in libcudf.so are copied to GPU (per process) as soon as any CUDA call is invoked.

Loading/unloading cubin to GPU memory can be controlled by cuda driver APIs. but it seems excessive idea.

Similar to NPP, we can try approach of splitting the library to sub-libraries. (multiple .so files) and load only the necessary sub-libraries as @harrism suggested.

jrhemstad commented 4 years ago

I think we are premature optimizing here. Once we remove legacy APIs and NVStrings/NVCategory, I'd expect the library size should go down significantly.

harrism commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that's the plan and hope. This is all just discussion until then.

karthikeyann commented 4 years ago

Old code: rmm (440 MB) + libcudf = 708 MB

After legacy code removal, Example (3) takes, rmm (440 MB) + libcudf = 618 MB

harrism commented 4 years ago

I got different numbers. When I run Keiths last example above, before loading libcudf, nvidia-smi reports:

| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
|    3      9656      C   .../conda/cuda_10.2/envs/rapids/bin/python   279MiB |

After importing libcudf and creating a 5-byte DeviceBuffer it reports:

| Processes:                                                       GPU Memory |
|  GPU       PID   Type   Process name                             Usage      |
|    3      9656      C   .../conda/cuda_10.2/envs/rapids/bin/python   417MiB |

So that means importing libcudf takes 138 MiB, down from 316 MiB in Keith's test!

harrism commented 4 years ago

@kkraus14 how low do we need to go in order to close this bug? Is there a nice way to write a test or benchmark that we can use to track this?

kkraus14 commented 4 years ago

@kkraus14 how low do we need to go in order to close this bug? Is there a nice way to write a test or benchmark that we can use to track this?

I don't think this is even a bug anymore, was just odd behavior I noticed that I lacked understanding on. I'm perfectly happy closing this as is.

In theory we could build a unit test to handle this, but having something reliable in CI would likely be tricky.

harrism commented 4 years ago

Will close for now, since we'll be tracking this along with compile time reductions.