rapidsai / cugraph

cuGraph - RAPIDS Graph Analytics Library
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG]: Nx-cuGraph caching not working with documentation example #4466

Closed beckernick closed 5 months ago

beckernick commented 6 months ago



Which installation method(s) does this occur on?


Describe the bug.

When I ran the documentation example multiple times, I expected performance to be significantly better the second time with caching enabled. Instead, performance was the same and the CPU to GPU conversion was happening every time.

Minimum reproducible example


import pandas as pd
import networkx as nx

url = "https://data.rapids.ai/cugraph/datasets/cit-Patents.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(url, sep=" ", names=["src", "dst"], dtype="int32")

G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, source="src", target="dst")

%time result = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=10)
CPU times: user 18.1 s, sys: 1.69 s, total: 19.8 s
Wall time: 20.7 s

%time result = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=10)
CPU times: user 19.6 s, sys: 859 ms, total: 20.4 s
Wall time: 20.6 s

result = nx.betweenness_centrality(G, k=10)
Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 5 36 54 PM

Relevant log output

No response

Environment details

!conda list | grep "cugraph\|networkx"

cugraph                   24.06.00a94     cuda12_py310_240604_g1667f7a43_94    rapidsai-nightly
libcugraph                24.06.00a94     cuda12_240604_g1667f7a43_94    rapidsai-nightly
libcugraph_etl            24.06.00a94     cuda12_240604_g1667f7a43_94    rapidsai-nightly
libcugraphops             24.06.00a24     cuda12_240603_gac69d0a6_24    rapidsai-nightly
networkx                  3.3                pyhd8ed1ab_1    conda-forge
nx-cugraph                24.06.00a94            py310_94    rapidsai-nightly
pylibcugraph              24.06.00a94     cuda12_py310_240604_g1667f7a43_94    rapidsai-nightly


No response

Code of Conduct

beckernick commented 6 months ago

It looks like our docs are wrong (screenshot below). We should be using NETWORKX_CACHE_CONVERTED_GRAPHS not CACHE_CONVERTED_GRAPH to configure caching behavior.

Screenshot 2024-06-05 at 6 22 25 PM
rlratzel commented 5 months ago

Thanks @beckernick for finding this. I've submitted this PR to fix those docs.