rapidsai / cuspatial

CUDA-accelerated GIS and spatiotemporal algorithms
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[FEA] Add Vincenty Distance to cuSpatial #60

Open MurrayData opened 5 years ago

MurrayData commented 5 years ago

Vincenty Distance is an iterative formula to calculate the shortest distance between two points on a spheroid. It is more accurate than simple great circle calculations, such as Haversine, which uses an average radius for the Earth.

Vincenty takes into the account the flattening of the Earth as an oblate spheroid to calcualte to an accuracy of 0.5 mm on the WGS84 ellipsoid.

While differences between Haversine and Vincenty are small over short distances, noticeable errors arise over longer distances, particularly if calculating aircraft trajectories.

I suggest adding Vincenty Distance to cuSpatial.

This is my implementation in CUDA JIT

def vincenty_distance(lon_1, lat_1, lon_2, lat_2,a,f):
    lon_1 = lon_1 * math.pi / 180.0 
    lon_2 = lon_2 * math.pi / 180.0 
    lat_1 = lat_1 * math.pi / 180.0 
    lat_2 = lat_2 * math.pi / 180.0
    b = (1 - f) * a                  # semi-minor axis
    u_1 = math.atan((1 - f) * math.tan(lat_1))
    u_2 = math.atan((1 - f) * math.tan(lat_2))
    L = lon_2 - lon_1
    Lambda = L                       # set initial value of lambda to L
    Lambda_2 = L + 1.0
    sin_u1 = math.sin(u_1)
    cos_u1 = math.cos(u_1)
    sin_u2 = math.sin(u_2)
    cos_u2 = math.cos(u_2)
    iters = 0
    while iters == 0 or (iters < 200 and abs(Lambda_2 - Lambda) > 1E-13):
        iters += 1
        cos_lambda = math.cos(Lambda)
        sin_lambda = math.sin(Lambda)
        sin_sigma = math.sqrt((cos_u2 * sin_lambda)**2 + (cos_u1 * sin_u2 - sin_u1 * cos_u2 * cos_lambda)**2)
        cos_sigma = sin_u1 * sin_u2 + cos_u1 * cos_u2 * cos_lambda
        sigma = math.atan2(sin_sigma, cos_sigma)
        sin_alpha = (cos_u1 * cos_u2 * sin_lambda) / sin_sigma
        cos_sq_alpha = 1 - sin_alpha**2
        cos2_sigma_m = cos_sigma - ((2 * sin_u1* sin_u2) / cos_sq_alpha)
        C = (f / 16) * cos_sq_alpha * (4 + f * (4 - 3 * cos_sq_alpha))
        Lambda_2 = Lambda
        Lambda = L + (1 - C) * f * sin_alpha * (sigma + C * sin_sigma * (cos2_sigma_m + C * cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2_sigma_m**2)))
    u_sq = cos_sq_alpha * ((a**2 - b**2) / b**2)
    A = 1 + (u_sq / 16384.0)*(4096.0 + u_sq * (-768.0 + u_sq * (320.0 - 175.0 * u_sq)))
    B = (u_sq / 1024.0) * (256.0 + u_sq * (-128.0 + u_sq * (74.0 - 47.0 * u_sq)))
    delta_sig = B * sin_sigma * (cos2_sigma_m + 0.25 * B * (cos_sigma * (-1 + 2 * cos2_sigma_m**2) - (1.0 / 6.0) * B * cos2_sigma_m * (-3.0 + 4.0 * sin_sigma**2) * (-3.0 + 4.0 * cos2_sigma_m**2)))
    return b * A * (sigma - delta_sig)                 # output distance in meters

where a = semi-major axis in metres and f = flattening

For the WGS84 ellipsoid, these values are:

a = 6378137.0
f = 0.0033528106647474805

I have tested the above against online converters provided by mapping agencies.

The sample below shows the difference between Vincenty (v_dist) against Haversine (h_dist) in km on the NY Taxi dataset:

Start_Lon Start_Lat End_Lon End_Lat h_dist v_dist diff
-73.991957 40.721567 -73.993803 40.695922 2.855836 2.852103 -0.003733
-73.982102 40.736290 -73.955850 40.768030 4.164867 4.163947 -0.000920
-74.002587 40.739748 -73.869983 40.770225 11.672168 11.698154 0.025987
-73.974267 40.790955 -73.996558 40.731849 6.835177 6.828220 -0.006957
-74.001580 40.719382 -74.008378 40.720350 0.582929 0.584338 0.001409
-73.989806 40.735006 -73.985021 40.724494 1.236468 1.235350 -0.001117
-73.984050 40.743544 -73.980260 40.748926 0.678293 0.677985 -0.000309
-73.992635 40.748362 -73.995585 40.728307 2.243822 2.240981 -0.002841
-73.969690 40.749244 -73.990413 40.751082 1.757570 1.761962 0.004392
-73.955173 40.783044 -73.958598 40.774822 0.958650 0.957733 -0.000917
-73.986824 40.750893 -73.984118 40.751437 0.235832 0.236374 0.000542
-74.006100 40.748432 -73.978437 40.762481 2.805283 2.809085 0.003802
-73.983339 40.744782 -73.981160 40.720835 2.669107 2.665647 -0.003460
thomcom commented 4 years ago

Hi @MurrayData ! We were wondering if you could provide a sort of ETA on this feature, if you're still interested? Thanks!

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

This issue has been marked rotten due to no recent activity in the past 90d. Please close this issue if no further response or action is needed. Otherwise, please respond with a comment indicating any updates or changes to the original issue and/or confirm this issue still needs to be addressed.

MurrayData commented 3 years ago

I struggled with the C++ element of the coding as I'm very rusty in it. I have it coded in Python.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

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github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been labeled inactive-90d due to no recent activity in the past 90 days. Please close this issue if no further response or action is needed. Otherwise, please respond with a comment indicating any updates or changes to the original issue and/or confirm this issue still needs to be addressed.

harrism commented 1 year ago

This is still worthwhile. Reopening.

MurrayData commented 1 year ago

This is still worthwhile. Reopening.

Happy to help @harrism @thomcom but my C++ isn't up to the standard. I have published the Python version above.

I have also written some additional associated functions including bearing in degrees between 2 lat/lon points, Haversine Manhattan and Vincenty Manhattan distances if you are interesting in adding these.

harrism commented 1 year ago

We are of course interested, we are just a small team with a long list of requests, plans and priorities. :) If you think those APIs would be useful to have, it would be great if you can add an issue for each one. Links to similar functions in existing (Python or otherwise) libraries would be helpful. Thanks!