rapidsai / jupyterlab-nvdashboard

A JupyterLab extension for displaying dashboards of GPU usage.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
579 stars 77 forks source link

blank content #24

Open ggosiang opened 4 years ago

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

I've followed installation steps below to install into my JL,

pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

but didn't get any content when running code in CPU/GPU, need help

jupyterlab             1.0.4    
jupyterlab-nvdashboard 0.1.11      
bokeh                  1.0.4



jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

It looks like the frontend widget is failing to load the listing of available dashboards. Could you open the developer tools in your browser and check for failing network requests?

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

I don't see any error in network request field, all items with status code 200.

But in Console tab, I found two errors,

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () /user/testuser/nvdashboard/index.json?1569981966001:1 
Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 1 lab:1
jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Yeah this definitely seems like a failure to grab the list of dashboards

Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 1 lab:1

This suggests an HTML response has been returned as it starts <, likely an error page from Jupyter.

Your install commands above look a little off (you say jupyterlab-bokeh-server but it should be jupyterlab-nvdashboard). Did you follow these instructions?

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

Oh yes! I used following commands to install it, and without any error during installation

pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

(updated in initial question)

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

I have just tried to reproduce in a new conda environment with the following steps and am unable to.

$ conda create -n tmp-nvdashboard-24 python=3.7 nodejs ipython jupyterlab

$ pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

$ jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

$ jupyter lab


jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Could you share the response from the page that is getting a 404?

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Ok great thanks. And are there any errors in your Jupyter logs?

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

Can you provide the log location that I need to check?

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

I'm afraid that will depend on your Jupyter Hub setup. I would recommend you refer to the documentation you followed to set it up, or if someone else did then check with them.

Also just reproduced a working installation using JH following this post up until the RAPIDS section and then running the two installation commands from here with sudo -E. Just wanted to rule out that this was an incompatibility with JH.


ggosiang commented 4 years ago

ok, checked. also without error in jupyter log

so seems this is not an incompatibility issue with JH.

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Any chance @ian-r-rose could take a quick look here and let me know if I'm missing something?

ian-r-rose commented 4 years ago

It looks to me like you have covered most of the things I can think of @jacobtomlinson.

@ggosiang can you make sure that the jupyter_server_proxy serverextension is installed an enabled?

jupyter serverextension list

in a terminal.

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

yes, jupyter_server_proxy is installed and enabled. but I found an error about server extension of jupyterlab-nvdashboard not sure how to solve it?

$ jupyter serverextension list
config dir: /home/jovyan/.jupyter
    jupyterlab_git  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyterlab_git  OK
    jupyterlab-nvdashboard  enabled 
    - Validating...
Error loading server extension jupyterlab-nvdashboard
      X is jupyterlab-nvdashboard importable?
config dir: /opt/conda/etc/jupyter
    jupyter_server_proxy  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyter_server_proxy  OK
    jupyterlab  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyterlab 1.0.4 OK
    nbdime  enabled 
    - Validating...
      nbdime 1.1.0 OK
    nbresuse  enabled 
    - Validating...
      nbresuse  OK
    jupyter_tensorboard  enabled 
    - Validating...
      jupyter_tensorboard 0.1.10 OK
$ jupyter labextension list
JupyterLab v1.0.4
Known labextensions:
   app dir: /opt/conda/share/jupyter/lab
        @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v1.0.2  enabled  OK
        @jupyterlab/git v0.8.2  enabled  OK
        jupyterlab-nvdashboard v0.1.11  enabled  OK
        jupyterlab_bokeh v1.0.0  enabled  OK
        jupyterlab_tensorboard v0.1.6  enabled  OK
        nbdime-jupyterlab v1.0.0  enabled  OK
ian-r-rose commented 4 years ago

Looks like you may need to change jupyterlab-nvdashboard to jupyterlab_nvdashboard. That is to say, the hyphen does not make a valid python import, it needs to be an underscore. You many need to go into the /home/jovyan/.jupyter config dir to do that manually.

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

I've made a change in /home/jovyan/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.json

jupyterlab-nvdashboard -> jupyterlab_nvdashboard

but still got error

jupyterlab_nvdashboard  enabled 
    - Validating...
      X is jupyterlab_nvdashboard importable?
ian-r-rose commented 4 years ago

Hmm, can you verify that it is, in fact, importable?

ggosiang commented 4 years ago

yes, seems i can import it img

aradhyamathur commented 4 years ago

I received the following error: 500 GET /nvdashboard/index.json?1576415340199 ( could not start nvdashboard in time

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Thanks for raising that @aradhyamathur, this sounds slightly different so I'm going to make a new issue from your comment.

antw-cg commented 4 years ago

No error running: pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

But I get a blank GPU Dashboard...

When I run: $ jupyter serverextension list and $ jupyter labextension list I get: jupyterlab_nvdashboard

When inspecting the chrome browser error console I see: Failed to load resource: the http://a157821:8888/nvdashboard/index.json?1576801385961 server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

Running jupyterlab within a docker container on a DGX station.

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Thanks @antw-cg. I would expect that the issue is because it is trying to connect on the container hostname http://a157821:8888 which will not be routable from your browser.

Could you let me know the url you are using to connect to your Jupyter Lab instance?

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Looking further into this it appears the hostname is being provided by Jupyter Lab in the ServerConnection.makeSettings({}).baseUrl object.

When running in a container this hostname is the container's internal hostname, not the hostname where it is being exposed.

antw-cg commented 4 years ago

@jacobtomlinson URL I'm connecting to in the browser is http://a157821:8888/lab.

Looking further into this it appears the hostname is being provided by Jupyter Lab in the ServerConnection.makeSettings({}).baseUrl object.

Is my best bet to change ServerConnection.makeSettings({}).baseUrl to http://a157821:8888 in the source code? I tried finding the above file in site-packages/jupyterlab_nvdashboard/, but that directory only had __init__.py __pycache__ apps server.py utils.py

If it's any help, the tensorboard jupyterlab extension is running in the same container and is working fine.

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Ok that's fine if you can route to it then that's not the problem.

It seems to not be able to find the extension URL. Are there any errors in the Jupyter Lab logs?

mohak2312 commented 4 years ago

I've followed installation steps below to install into my JL,

pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard
jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

but didn't get any content when running code in CPU/GPU, need help

jupyterlab             1.0.4    
jupyterlab-nvdashboard 0.1.11      
bokeh                  1.0.4



I am facing the same problem. Can anyone tell me the solution?

I tried to uninstall the extension and reinstall it again but now it didn't show up on the extension bar.

jakirkham commented 4 years ago

My guess is we still lack sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Are you able to share the logs from JupyterLab? Perhaps these will have the needed clue 😉

mohak2312 commented 4 years ago

Where can I look for the logs? I tried to look for the logs in jupyterlab folder but nothing is there. And on the terminal, I don't see any errors. Capture

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

@mohak2312 I recommend checking the browser console.

sshakeri commented 4 years ago

I ran into this, updating my Dockerfile fixed it. I guess jupyter may not properly restart from a running container. This should apply to Docker or Kubernetes (KubeFlow in my example). Add this to your jupyter Dockerfile

 RUN apt install nodejs  npm -y &&\
          pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard &&\
          jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

Here is a complete sample https://github.com/rapidsai/jupyterlab-nvdashboard/pull/43

neoragex2002 commented 4 years ago

Me too. followed installation steps below but got blank.

pip install jupyterlab-nvdashboard jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-nvdashboard

below is my jupyterlab's log. I am using windows 10. image

the nvdashboard didn't show up on the extension bar in jupyter. image

what's the problem?

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

@neoragex2002 we do not currently support windows. See #21.

neoragex2002 commented 4 years ago

@neoragex2002 we do not currently support windows. See #21.

@_@ errrrr thanks for the information! I suggest adding this to the installation instructions....

arnoldrw commented 4 years ago

Is there any official answer for running this in a container?

Pulling the nightly docker container from rapids https://rapids.ai/start.html using the following:

docker pull rapidsai/rapidsai-dev-nightly:0.13-cuda10.0-devel-ubuntu16.04-py3.7
docker run --gpus all --rm -it -p 8888:8888 -p 8787:8787 -p 8786:8786 \

And running it on a DGX station is resulting in a blank dashboard like reported above. The chrome error console shows a lost websocket connection image

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

@arnoldrw what do you see in the Jupyter log?

arnoldrw commented 4 years ago

@jacobtomlinson a lot of logs like this.

Side question - is the jupyter log location for the rapids container documented anywhere? I couldn't find any documentation and had to kill and restart the process to be able to grab a log.

[I 12:48:41.313 NotebookApp] Build is up to date
WARNING:bokeh.server.util:Host wildcard '*' will allow connections originating from multiple (or possibly all) hostnames or IPs. Use non-wildcard values to restrict access explicitly
[I 12:48:41.746 NotebookApp] Kernel started: afef1a24-061a-4c25-b60d-f4bc0079fc77
[I 12:48:42.296 NotebookApp] Client sent subprotocols: ['bokeh', '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']
[I 12:48:42.297 NotebookApp] Trying to establish websocket connection to ws://localhost:59097/GPU-Memory/ws
[I 12:48:42.301 NotebookApp] Websocket connection established to ws://localhost:59097/GPU-Memory/ws
ERROR:tornado.application:Uncaught exception GET /GPU-Memory/ws (
HTTPServerRequest(protocol='http', host='localhost:8888', method='GET', uri='/GPU-Memory/ws', version='HTTP/1.1', remote_ip='')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.7/site-packages/tornado/websocket.py", line 956, in _accept_connection
    open_result = handler.open(*handler.open_args, **handler.open_kwargs)
  File "/opt/conda/envs/rapids/lib/python3.7/site-packages/bokeh/server/views/ws.py", line 123, in open
    raise ProtocolError("Subprotocol header is not 'bokeh'")
bokeh.protocol.exceptions.ProtocolError: Subprotocol header is not 'bokeh'
jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

That appears to be related to #49. Please update to the latest release.

arnoldrw commented 4 years ago

Thanks @jacobtomlinson ! That resolved it.

Is there anywhere I should mention that issue to get it into the nightly container?

jacobtomlinson commented 4 years ago

Probably over here https://github.com/rapidsai/build

arnoldrw commented 4 years ago

Thanks! Done https://github.com/rapidsai/build/issues/67 .

AnitDataEnthu commented 4 years ago

The best solution for this problem is to restart your container that will fix your problem.

be-shekhar commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have tried the same installation on Azure Machine Learning service and I got the same blank dashboard. Steps to re-create:

Guys, need help with this. Screenshot (4)

jacobtomlinson commented 3 years ago

@be-shekhar are you able to share the log from Jupyter Lab?

be-shekhar commented 3 years ago

@jacobtomlinson Where shall I look for logs? Any specific file name?

jacobtomlinson commented 3 years ago

@be-shekhar I'm afraid you will need to refer to the Azure documentation to find out where they are stored.

be-shekhar commented 3 years ago

Okay @jacobtomlinson. I'll try and find out. What would be the location of log file if I install it in a local Ubuntu system?

jacobtomlinson commented 3 years ago

When starting Jupyter Lab on a local system you usually would run the jupyter lab command from the CLI, and the log would be output to the terminal, not a file.

Nikhilpy77 commented 3 years ago

Hi @jacobtomlinson I am facing the same issue, as suggested when i run jupyter lab i see this.

[I 06:27:32.518 LabApp] [nb_conda_kernels] enabled, 2 kernels found [I 06:27:32.746 LabApp] The port 8888 is already in use, trying another port. [I 06:27:33.205 LabApp] JupyterLab extension loaded from /anaconda/envs/l_py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jupyterlab [I 06:27:33.205 LabApp] JupyterLab application directory is /anaconda/envs/_py36/share/jupyter/lab [I 06:27:33.555 LabApp] [Jupytext Server Extension] Deriving a JupytextContentsManager from LargeFileManager [I 06:27:33.557 LabApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /mnt/batch/tasks/shared/LS_root/mounts/clusters/nikgpu/code [I 06:27:33.557 LabApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.1.3 is running at: [I 06:27:33.557 LabApp] http://localhost:8889/?token=30fba730b9afed23fb20b844e5fb371dbc370689c05bcb78 [I 06:27:33.557 LabApp] or [I 06:27:33.557 LabApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmation). [W 06:27:33.562 LabApp] No web browser found: could not locate runnable browser. [C 06:27:33.562 LabApp]

To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
Or copy and paste one of these URLs:

any suggestions on log folders? I tried everywhere else but did not find the related logs so that i can share here. Any help is much appreciated.

Atharex commented 3 years ago

Seems it's still happening with v0.6.0

After installing with pip3 install jupyterlab_nvdashboard

I check the extension and I see it in JL3.0.7 but using a tab like GPU optimization returns a blank page.

>>> jupyter labextension list
JupyterLab v3.0.7
        jupyterlab-nvdashboard v0.6.0 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_nvdashboard)
        nbdime-jupyterlab v2.1.0 enabled OK
        @jupyterlab/server-proxy v3.0.2 enabled OK
        @jupyter-widgets/jupyterlab-manager v3.0.0 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab_widgets)
        @ryantam626/jupyterlab_code_formatter v1.4.10 enabled OK (python, jupyterlab-code-formatter)

Other labextensions (built into JupyterLab)
   app dir: /usr/local/share/jupyter/lab

[root@3d46a5c0d992 jupyter]# jupyter server extension list
Config dir: /usr/local/etc/jupyter
    jupyter_server_proxy enabled
    - Validating jupyter_server_proxy...
      jupyter_server_proxy  OK
    jupyter_server_mathjax enabled
    - Validating jupyter_server_mathjax...
      jupyter_server_mathjax  OK
    jupyterlab enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab...
      jupyterlab 3.0.7 OK
    jupyterlab_code_formatter enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab_code_formatter...
      jupyterlab_code_formatter 1.4.10 OK
    jupyterlab_nvdashboard enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab_nvdashboard...
       X validation failed
    nbclassic enabled
    - Validating nbclassic...
      nbclassic  OK
    nbdime enabled
    - Validating nbdime...
      nbdime 3.1.0 OK

Config dir: /usr/local/etc/jupyter
    jupyter_server_proxy enabled
    - Validating jupyter_server_proxy...
      jupyter_server_proxy  OK
    jupyter_server_mathjax enabled
    - Validating jupyter_server_mathjax...
      jupyter_server_mathjax  OK
    jupyterlab enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab...
      jupyterlab 3.0.7 OK
    jupyterlab_code_formatter enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab_code_formatter...
      jupyterlab_code_formatter 1.4.10 OK
    jupyterlab_nvdashboard enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab_nvdashboard...
       X validation failed
    nbclassic enabled
    - Validating nbclassic...
      nbclassic  OK
    nbdime enabled
    - Validating nbdime...
      nbdime 3.1.0 OK

Are there any extra steps for installation/configuration? Is this failed validation something to look further into?

jacobtomlinson commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing further info. It would also be helpful if you could share your OS and version, Python version, etc.

When I run jupyter server extension list I get

    jupyterlab_nvdashboard enabled
    - Validating jupyterlab_nvdashboard...
      jupyterlab_nvdashboard  OK

So it definitely sounds like something to investigate on your setup.

Atharex commented 3 years ago

I'm installing Jupyterlab with extensions as a docker container to run inside Jupyterhub.

Using CentOS 7 Python 3.8.9

and the following dockerfile:

FROM my-centos7-python3.8.9-base

RUN wget https://github.com/krallin/tini/releases/download/v0.19.0/tini -O /usr/bin/tini
RUN chmod +x /usr/bin/tini

RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip==20.2.4 && pip3 --no-cache-dir install wheel

RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir \
        notebook \
        ipywidgets \
        tornado \
        make \
        bash_kernel \
        pypki2 \
        nbdime \
        isort \
        black \
        jupyterlab_code_formatter \
        jupyterlab_execute_time \
        jupyterlab-nvdashboard==0.6.0 \
        jupyterhub \

RUN curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_lts.x | sudo -E bash - && yum -y install nodejs && yum clean all && rpm --rebuilddb && rm -rf /var/cache/yum

### Activate jupyterlab extensions ### 
RUN nbdime extensions --enable \
    && jupyter labextension install --clean @ryantam626/jupyterlab_code_formatter \
    && jupyter serverextension enable --py jupyterlab_code_formatter --sys-prefix

COPY extensions/tracker.jupyterlab-settings $HOME/.jupyter/lab/user-settings/@jupyterlab/notebook-extension/tracker.jupyterlab-settings

RUN pip3 install --no-cache-dir jupyterlab-snippets \
    && jupyter lab build && npm update

# set startpoints
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "-g", "--"]
CMD ["start-notebook.sh"]