rapidsai / rapids-cmake

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[QST] Implement consistent usage of rapids_cmake_support_conda_env #334

Open vyasr opened 1 year ago

vyasr commented 1 year ago

What is your question?

This isn't strictly a question about rapids-cmake so much as a question about its usage across RAPIDS, but there isn't a great place to raise this question so sticking it here for now. Right now it looks like only cuML and raft use this functionality, but I assume we want to handle it consistently in all packages.

robertmaynard commented 1 year ago

You mean the python side of cudf correct ? since libcudf does call rapids_cmake_support_conda_env ( https://github.com/rapidsai/cudf/blob/branch-23.02/cpp/CMakeLists.txt#L127 )

vyasr commented 1 year ago

You're right that libcudf uses it, although it does so a bit differently since both cuml and raft both support configuring whether it's called using the DETECT_CONDA_ENV option and they also support the environment variable CONDA_PREFIX. There's no good reason I can think of why that sort of behavior shouldn't be standardized across all the lib* CMake.

And then yes, figuring out what if anything we should be doing on the Python side.

robertmaynard commented 1 year ago

I agree on standardization behavior around conda env detection and behavior.

On that front I am not a fan of the behavior the some projects have where they change the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX when using conda