rapila / cms-base

The rapila cms’ internals. Please file all issues here if they’re not directly related to a plugin or the sample site.
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Bug loading plugins at login time #178

Closed juergmessmer closed 9 years ago

juergmessmer commented 10 years ago

Whenever I try to log in at a site with a plugin (schulcms-plugin), calling the url domain/admin/pages) a exception is thrown and the session is killed. It doesn't happen when any other admin url is called. So far this only happens when the particular plugin schulcms is installed. It looks like it has something to do with recent changes (PluginPart, order of plugins, etc.?)

••••••••••• exception thown screen shot 2014-05-07 at 11 11 44

[Wed May 07 11:20:16 2014] [error] [client] ([code] => 0, [message] => 'Error at offset 700 of 746 bytes', [filename] => '/Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Cache.php', [line] => 163, 
[trace] => (
  [0] => 'SplObjectStorage->unserialize()', 
  [1] => 'unserialize() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Cache.php (163)', 
  [2] => 'Cache->getContentsAsVariable() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/SystemPart.php (111)', 
  [3] => 'SystemPart::allParts() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/SystemPart.php (164)', 
  [4] => 'PluginPart::allPlugins() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php (490)', 
  [5] => 'ResourceFinder::getPluginPaths() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php (366)', [6] => 'ResourceFinder->buildSearchPathList() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php (236)', [7] => 'ResourceFinder->doFind() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php (221)', [8] => 'ResourceFinder->find() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Autoloader.php (51)', [9] => 'Autoloader::findIncludePath() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Autoloader.php (29)', [10] => 'Autoloader::autoload()', [11] => 'spl_autoload_call()', [12] => 'session_start() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Session.php (268)', [13] => 'require_once() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Autoloader.php (25)', [14] => 'Autoloader::autoload()', [15] => 'spl_autoload_call() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/modules/file/widget_json/WidgetJsonFileModule.php (28)', [16] => 'WidgetJsonFileModule->renderFile() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/FileManager.php (21)', [17] => 'FileManager->__construct() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/classes/Manager.php (91)', [18] => 'Manager::getManager() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/base/lib/main.php (11)', [19] => 'require_once() in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_sereal/index.php (5)'), [referrer] => 'http://cms_sereal/admin/pages', [host] => 'cms_sereal', [path] => '/get_file/widget_json/-/destroy', [request] => ([path] => 'widget_json/-/destroy', [Session] => 'ec12b855d2b0acd2e3e3f9766d865d23'), [cookies] => ([Session] => 'ec12b855d2b0acd2e3e3f9766d865d23')), referer: http://cms_sereal/admin/pages
sabberworm commented 10 years ago

What is the actual error message that comes before the stack trace? Apparently unserialize isn’t successful. But why?

juergmessmer commented 10 years ago

Sorry, here's the message. The only thing I know is it happens while reading a cache file.

[Wed May 07 12:34:28 2014] [error] [client] ([code] => 0, [message] => 'Error at offset 704 of 1272 bytes', ...

Maybe it's the tree widget. The last cache file contains this a:5:{s:4:"path";a:3:{i:0;s:7:"modules";i:1;s:6:"widget";i:2;s:4:"tree";}s:4:"type";s:6:"widget";s:4:"name";s:4:"tree";s:7:"folders";a:1:{i:0;s:9:"templates";}s:11:"module_info";a:1:{s:7:"enabled";b:1;}}

juergmessmer commented 10 years ago

Now it doesn't happen anymore in one site. At the other site I click on a few pages in admin pages, logged out and logged in again. Now it doesn't happen anymore either. Have recent base changes somehow affected the serialize and unserialize?

juergmessmer commented 10 years ago

This seems related: I just ran rap parse-resources.php and got this message (tested in two sites)

PHP Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 204 of 1523 bytes in /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/Cache.php on line 163 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {main}() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/scripts/parse-resources.php:0 PHP 2. require() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/scripts/parse-resources.php:5 PHP 3. ResourceFinder->find() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/inc.php:40 PHP 4. ResourceFinder->doFind() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php:225 PHP 5. ResourceFinder->buildSearchPathList() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php:236 PHP 6. ResourceFinder::getPluginPaths() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php:366 PHP 7. PluginPart::allPlugins() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/ResourceFinder.php:490 PHP 8. SystemPart::allParts() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/SystemPart.php:164 PHP 9. Cache->getContentsAsVariable() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/SystemPart.php:111 PHP 10. unserialize() /Users/jmg/Sites/cms_altenburg/base/lib/classes/Cache.php:163

sabberworm commented 10 years ago

You should try to examine the following cache file: 4d72f8aa9456c58b44fbab31fc96de3a inside the config dir. This is where system parts are cached.

juergmessmer commented 10 years ago

I don't find such a cache file. But I opened one called 4e1d384e7e59fb63298e843c2cbb0d8d.cache and found funny <NUL> elements

screen shot 2014-05-07 at 13 11 05

sabberworm commented 10 years ago

serialize always uses nulls to terminate identifiers. Maybe I miscalculated the md5. Now it gives me 8e0a656bb90a4077c1a5ac541014649c.

sabberworm commented 10 years ago

Or just open all of them and search for the name of the class that gives the exception (SplObjectStorage).

juergmessmer commented 10 years ago

Here again, I just opened a few cache files, found "SplObjectStorage", closed them, cleared the cache and now executing rap parse-resources.php does not fail anymore. No idea :=)

sabberworm commented 10 years ago

This may be a bug in older PHP versions or an incompatibility between serialized objects of differing versions. We should have an installation with only PHP 5.3 (server and CLI) and test.

juergmessmer commented 9 years ago

@sabberworm is this issue still open? I think it's fixed, but I can't remember how...:=)

juergmessmer commented 9 years ago

766275ca8970ca5217e2b236196131375acff273 fixed this