rapiz1 / rathole

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Connection dies after logging out from ssh #358

Closed shootie22 closed 2 months ago

shootie22 commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug Everything works as expected as long as I'm logged into the client machine through ssh. Once I log out, the connection dies.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a server
  2. Create a client
  3. Make sure the connection works
  4. Log out of client ssh
  5. Wait a few seconds (~10-20s)
  6. Notice the connection died

Configuration I used the basic example. I also tried using the heartbeat and keepalive options, but to no avail.

Logs I cannot find logs, it would be nice if someone can point me into the right direction to find them.


shootie22 commented 2 months ago

of course I realized what was wrong within minutes of creating the issue.

if you create your client as a non-root service, it will die when your session dies, a.k.a. when you log out.
I switched the service to be a system service instead of a user service and now it stays alive.