raplin / DPS-1200FB

Python code to read status from the DPS-1200FB power supply
MIT License
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Standby current #5

Closed perigoso closed 3 years ago

perigoso commented 3 years ago

I don't own one of these supplies so i can't test it, but in this documentation you state a high standby current of possibly 1+ A, but that sounds way too high, that would mean it wastes 12W in standby. could you get the input power in standby?

vochong commented 3 years ago

I actually measured the power consumption when only the standby 12V is available. It's about 11.5 W doing nothing! So yes it wastes about 12 W in standby mode.

raplin commented 3 years ago

Hey, it's only 1% of the maximum power rating ;-)