rapomon / geojson-places

Reverse geocoding to determine the location where it is contained (continent, country, region and state) from the latitude and longitude specified. This module also has tools to get lists of continents, country groupings, countries, regions and states in the specified language.
ISC License
51 stars 13 forks source link

Type safe? #9

Open mikesz88 opened 7 months ago

mikesz88 commented 7 months ago

Any plans to convert to TypeScript?

zach-is-my-name commented 7 months ago
declare module 'geojson-places' {
  export interface RegionInfo {
    continent_code: string;
    country_a2: string;
    country_a3: string;
    region_code: string;
    state_code: string;

  export interface GeoJSONFeatureCollection {
    type: string;
    features: any[];

  export interface CountryInfo {
    country_a2: string;
    country_a3: string;
    country_name: string;

  export interface ContinentInfo {
    continent_code: string;
    continent_name: string;
    countries: string[];

  export interface StateInfo {
    state_code: string;
    state_name: string;

  export interface RegionStateInfo {
    country_a2: string;
    region_code: string;
    region_name: string;
    states: StateInfo[];

  export function lookUp(latitude: number, longitude: number): RegionInfo | null;
  export function lookUpGeoJSON(latitude: number, longitude: number): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function lookUpRaw(latitude: number, longitude: number): any;
  export function getContinentGeoJSONByCode(continent_code: string, simplified?: boolean): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function getCountryGeoJSONByAlpha2(country_a2: string): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function getCountryGeoJSONByAlpha3(country_a3: string): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function getCountryGroupingGeoJSONByCode(grouping_code: string, simplified?: boolean): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function getRegionGeoJSONByCode(region_code: string): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function getStateGeoJSONByCode(state_code: string): GeoJSONFeatureCollection | null;
  export function getContinents(locale?: string | null): ContinentInfo[];
  export function getContinentByCode(continent_code: string, locale?: string | null): ContinentInfo | null;
  export function isValidContinentCode(continent_code: string): boolean;
  export function getCountries(locale?: string | null): CountryInfo[];
  export function getCountryByAlpha2(country_a2: string, locale?: string | null): CountryInfo | null;
  export function getCountryByAlpha3(country_a3: string, locale?: string | null): CountryInfo | null;
  export function isValidCountryAlpha2(country_a2: string): boolean;
  export function isValidCountryAlpha3(country_a3: string): boolean;
  export function countryAlpha3ToAlpha2(country_a3: string): string | null;
  export function countryAlpha2ToAlpha3(country_a2: string): string | null;
  export function getCountriesByContinentCode(continent_code: string, locale?: string | null): CountryInfo[];
  export function getCountriesByCountryGroupingCode(grouping_code: string, locale?: string | null): CountryInfo[];
  export function getCountryGroupings(locale?: string | null): any[];
  export function getCountryGroupingByCode(grouping_code: string, locale?: string | null): any | null;
  export function isValidCountryGroupingCode(grouping_code: string): boolean;
  export function getRegions(locale?: string | null): any[];
  export function getRegionsAndStates(locale?: string | null): RegionStateInfo[];
  export function getRegionsByCountryAlpha2(alpha2: string, locale?: string | null): any[];
  export function getRegionsByCountryAlpha3(alpha3: string, locale?: string | null): any[];
  export function getRegionByCode(region_code: string, locale?: string | null): RegionStateInfo | null;
  export function isValidRegionCode(region_code: string): boolean;
  export function getStatesByRegionCode(region_code: string, locale?: string | null): StateInfo[];
  export function getStateByCode(state_code: string, locale?: string | null): StateInfo | null;
  export function isValidStateCode(state_code: string): boolean;