[x] Close remaining bugs in github after merging with master
[x] What is the RAPP platform? Why is it useful?
[x] How to create a new rapp-platform ROS node?
[x] How can I contribute?
[x] How can I set up the rapp platform in my PC?
[x] How do I launch the RAPP Platform
[x] How can I see that everything is working properly? (testing + rapp health page)
[x] I have set it up and everything is working. How can I use it?
[x] I do not want to install RAPP Platform. Is there an easier way to use it?
[x] I do not even want to try the easier way. Do you have something up and running to test?
[x] How to create a HOP service for a ROS service?
[x] How to write the API for a HOP service?
[x] How to implement an integration test?
[x] How to call the HOP service I created?
[x] Create Doxygen script for main code
[x] Create Doxygen script for tests (per package)
[x] Create documentation script for HOP services
[x] Create documentation script for wiki pages
[x] Make JS documentation visually similar to the other docs
[x] Duplicate all README.md to the corresponding pages in wiki. The description should exist both in each package AND in wiki (as automated documentation will be produced)
[x] Update README in root folder + add rapp platform webpage there
- should be subsuperclassDeployment