rappasoft / laravel-boilerplate

The Laravel Boilerplate Project - https://laravel-boilerplate.com
5.56k stars 1.58k forks source link

LB 7.0 #1323

Closed rappasoft closed 4 years ago

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

There's a reason it seems I haven't been maintaining this project recently:

I decided to start over with the most up to date Laravel version a couple months ago, and do my best to rewrite the entire application.

I am about 70% along, I have removed features that are just fluff, I am trying to extract others out to packages along the way (see rappasoft/lockout) and just overall try to make it less opinionated.

Also, against my better judgement I also added Socialite back in.

There's no code you can look at yet, as I have it all locally in git.

Here are some screenshots.

Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 08 07 25 Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 08 07 34 Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 08 07 54
redactuk commented 4 years ago

Exiting news! Curious: are you sticking with repository pattern?

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

@redactuk As of right now I am but it's a little lighter. But i'm open to other more modern suggestions.

coderkoala commented 4 years ago

@rappasoft any chance Livewire could make it in? Would it cause any conflicts? I believe it'd be a great addition, as I've anecdotally felt development time frame fall when I tried it out.

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

@coderkoala i'm not sure, i'm trying to not be opinionated by adding other things, if anything i've removed things. But I agree it's really nice and useful and I think it will become even more popular within the community as Vue has.

bryanrscott commented 4 years ago

The easy setup and structure of the project is why we chose this template. Including the social login configured out of the box makes it much easier to use.

Having updated manually with each major release of the boilerplate I welcome the use of packages as they might make this maintenance part easier.

Things I would like

coderkoala commented 4 years ago
* improve upon the features you do provide out of the box (eg search/filtering/pagination of user admin)

I tend to utilize Yajra's datatable along with datatable library, as it's pretty agnostic in the frontend. Although it'd add a bit of bloat, I feel having it would be quite useful, given as it's insanely customizable, and can apply everywhere.

gmgarrison commented 4 years ago

In case you're interested in comparing notes (and aren't already familiar with it), I've used this a few times: https://github.com/jeremykenedy/laravel-auth. Not implying that it should be copied but it can often be helpful to just compare with another perspective. In any case, I'm planning on using your next release for my next side project. :)

poseso commented 4 years ago

+1 for Yajra's DataTables

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

Playing with the Datatables HTML builder classes and they work really nice. I have a feeling it'll make its way in.

chrisdan commented 4 years ago

@rappasoft Please consider the following while doing the rewrite:

Nothing wrong with jQuery, per se, just people are moving on...

rappasoft commented 4 years ago


I almost want to go full Vue, but I don't want to handcuff the people that want to use it with other frameworks.

But I agree jquery is being phased out.

chrisdan commented 4 years ago


Also, i agree about Vue, mainly because that would mean you lose SEO-ability and also need to have SSR in place.

neapolis79 commented 4 years ago


redactuk commented 4 years ago

+1 for laratrust

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

OK so 2 things:

  1. I already implemented CoreUI 3
  2. I already implemented spatie/permission with custom grouping (not teams though)

Why do you guys prefer AdminLTE over CoreUI?

Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 08 04 17 Screen Shot 2020-03-16 at 08 05 04

The above is using spatie wildcard permissions.

chrisdan commented 4 years ago


Why do you guys prefer AdminLTE over CoreUI?

Minor things that add up. For example, for the collapse element, they seem to have overriden events and instead of the classic show.bs.collapse event, you need to listen/ attach to show.coreui.collapse. What happens if you have a shared view component (a partial) that has a collapsible element and gets shared between frontend (vanilla bootstrap) and backend (coreui)? You now need to listen for both events in order to serve both ends...

rabol commented 4 years ago

Sorry to poke the bear... are there any ETA ? :)

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

Things have been kind of hectic lately. But i've been working on a package that will speed it up and remove the need for jquery datatables. I have it private for now but once i'm happy with an alpha i'll ket people start helping me with it.

rabol commented 4 years ago

Please count me in as alpha as I'm about to start a new 'project' - thanks

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

The BP itself still needs a lot of work, but this plugin will speed up the backend at least.

rabol commented 4 years ago

I'll be happy to pitch in on the BP work

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

Yeah I have it all local but Ill probably throw it up on a branch soon. I'm going to make this package public soon enough as well.

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

This is what i've been working on: https://github.com/rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tables

audiem13 commented 4 years ago

For us who aren't great at this stuff. A document showing how to upgrade an existing basic app to the new version would be great if there is any major breaking changes. Ah this is boilerplate should only be used for new apps I guess?

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

It's a ground up completely different rebuild, there will be no upgrade. It would be use the new version with your next project. That's the unfortunate truth when using a starter project that's not a package. Though I have extracted a couple packages out already to make that easier in the future.

detygon commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the great work! I'm available for help.

rappasoft commented 4 years ago

Update: Progress going slow but steady due to me writing the entire thing from scratch and having trouble deciding how I want to do things. I do have data tables implemented with Livewire using a new package I wrote. I also have converted a lot of the backend to blade components. The big internal conflict I have right now is to keep coreui/bootstrap in general, or to switch to something less invasive like tailwind.

Going to close this for now as I won't have anything to add for a little bit.