I have a list of records (purchase requests) and each one has a timeline to track status changes (see notes for details).
I enabled bulkActions to "approve" many rows at once
How to reproduce the bug
when I select a row, all row are selected
where I check "select all" it crashes
Package Version
PHP Version
Laravel Version
Alpine Version
No response
Tailwind 3.x
I have a list of records (purchase requests) and each one has a timeline to track status changes. The current "status" of the item is the latest timeline entry
On purchase Request model I have
public function timelines() {
return $this->hasMany(Timeline::class);
public function latestStatus() {
return $this->timelines()->latest()->first();
In PurchaseRequestTable component I have this builder function
public function builder(): Builder {
$query = PurchaseRequest::query()
->with(['customer', 'pm', 'user', 'timelines', 'jobTicket', 'status']);
return $query->select(); // Select some things
In debug mode I see this query when I select a value for filer status
"query" => """
select *, `purchase_requests`.`id` as `id`, `purchase_requests`.`code` as `code`, `purchase_requests`.`date` as `date`, `purchase_requests`.`customer_order` as `customer_order`, `purchase_requests`.`description` as `description`, `jobTicket`.`code` as `jobTicket.code`, `supplier`.`name` as `supplier.name`, `user`.`name` as `user.name`, `purchase_requests`.`is_billable` as `is_billable`, `purchase_requests`.`is_urgent` as `is_urgent` from `purchase_requests` left join `job_tickets` as `jobTicket` on `purchase_requests`.`job_ticket_id` = `jobTicket`.`id` left join `suppliers` as `supplier` on `purchase_requests`.`supplier_id` = `supplier`.`id` left join `users` as `user` on `purchase_requests`.`user_id` = `user`.`id` inner join (select status, purchase_request_id,
row_number() over (partition by purchase_request_id order by created_at desc) as rn
from timelines) as t on `t`.`purchase_request_id` = `purchase_requests`.`id` and `rn` = 1 where `t`.`status` = ? and `purchase_requests`.`deleted_at` is null order by `purchase_requests`.`id` desc limit 25 offset 0
``` `
### Error Message
see this [Flare Laravel Error Tracking](https://flareapp.io/share/LPdeK4g7)
What happened?
I have a list of records (purchase requests) and each one has a timeline to track status changes (see notes for details). I enabled bulkActions to "approve" many rows at once
How to reproduce the bug
Package Version
PHP Version
Laravel Version
Alpine Version
No response
Tailwind 3.x
I have a list of records (purchase requests) and each one has a timeline to track status changes. The current "status" of the item is the latest timeline entry On purchase Request model I have
In PurchaseRequestTable component I have this builder function
In debug mode I see this query when I select a value for filer status