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blog/creating-a-filepond-component-using-blade-livewire-alpinejs-then-validating-storing-with-spatie-media-library #2

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Rappasoft | Blog | Creating a Filepond component using Blade, Livewire, & Alpine.js. Then validating & storing with Spatie Media Library

Let's create a Blade component that uses the Filepond library with Alpine.js, sends it to the server with Livewire, and saves it with Spatie Media Library.


monoman81 commented 3 years ago

Great article. I arrive here through your post in reddit and i have to say, how happy i am i found your blog.

devsrv commented 3 years ago

there is no other article which is that detailed on filepond. love it šŸ˜ great work. Thanks !

drbornot commented 2 years ago

Hey Anthony. This is a great job, I followed it and works perfect. I'm looking on Pintura integration (Doka before) for simple image resize but don't find any documented solution like your here. Could you give me a hint about it?

stsmuniz commented 2 years ago


I was looking for anything like this. Tried with Dropzone but had no success. But following your tutorial made it a breeze

rappasoft commented 2 years ago

Hey Anthony. This is a great job, I followed it and works perfect. I'm looking on Pintura integration (Doka before) for simple image resize but don't find any documented solution like your here. Could you give me a hint about it?

I haven't used that functionality of Pintura but if I have time I'll try to figure it out and make a post about it.

drbornot commented 2 years ago

I decided left this because I realized it (Pintura) isnĀ“t free package, so for a simple and not for profit app this integration couldnĀ“t be possible. Actually IĀ“m over Cropperjs. But thanks anyway!.

OstrichMann commented 2 years ago

This is a really well written article, great work! I would love to see an implementation of this (FilePond) and Pintura together using Livewire and AlpineJS.

Thank you for writing this great article!

xtfer commented 2 years ago

I'm getting Alpine Expression Error: FilePond is not defined using exactly the code in the final example.

rappasoft commented 2 years ago

I'm getting Alpine Expression Error: FilePond is not defined using exactly the code in the final example.

Sounds like the scripts are not loaded properly.

grafxflow commented 2 years ago

Is it possible to retrieve the file when going back to the form to update the values?

files: [
            // the server file reference
            source: '12345',

            // set type to local to indicate an already uploaded file
            options: {
                type: 'local',

                // mock file information
                file: {
                    name: 'my-file.png',
                    size: 3001025,
                    type: 'image/png',
tahirafridi commented 2 years ago
<x-filepond wire:model="icon" image_name="icon" label="Choose Icon Image" />
<x-filepond wire:model="image" image_name="image" label="Choose Feature Image" />

These laravel components are called in a Livewire component and it shows everything correct, once I choose two different images in different FilePond instances. I can see only the last FilePond file data into my laravel livewire component, that is wire:model: image data. The icon data is null.

I also noticed that while using the same livewire component so @this is same for every filepond upload. I think its override the first one with the last one.

Any work around for this?

By the way thanks for the huge and informative article I ever seen on internet on this topic.

mtbossa commented 2 years ago

Hello. Thanks for the tutorial, awesome. However, I don't think my file validation type is working. I copied your code, everything seems to be working, even the image preview is working, but when I drop any file, like text or pdf, the file is uploaded to the server and in the input it says "file uploaded" and green, like success. What could be happening?

rappasoft commented 2 years ago

@mtbossa it's hard to say without being able to see. You should be able to just use standard Laravel validation, sounds like your validation isn't getting hit if you have it in there. Maybe try adding logging to see if the code is getting run when you drop a file in.

mtbossa commented 2 years ago

@mtbossa it's hard to say without being able to see. You should be able to just use standard Laravel validation, sounds like your validation isn't getting hit if you have it in there. Maybe try adding logging to see if the code is getting run when you drop a file in.

Thanks for the reply. So, with your code for the filepond component:

        () => {
            const post = FilePond.create($refs.{{ $attributes->get('ref') ?? 'input' }});
                allowMultiple: {{ $attributes->has('multiple') ? 'true' : 'false' }},
                server: {
                    process:(fieldName, file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort, transfer, options) => {
                        @this.upload('{{ $attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first() }}', file, load, error, progress)
                    revert: (filename, load) => {
                        @this.removeUpload('{{ $attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first() }}', filename, load)
                allowImagePreview: {{ $attributes->has('allowFileTypeValidation') ? 'true' : 'false' }},
                imagePreviewMaxHeight: {{ $attributes->has('imagePreviewMaxHeight') ? $attributes->get('imagePreviewMaxHeight') : '256' }},
                allowFileTypeValidation: {{ $attributes->has('allowFileTypeValidation') ? 'true' : 'false' }},
                acceptedFileTypes: {!! $attributes->get('acceptedFileTypes') ?? 'null' !!},
                allowFileSizeValidation: {{ $attributes->has('allowFileSizeValidation') ? 'true' : 'false' }},
                maxFileSize: {!! $attributes->has('maxFileSize') ? "'".$attributes->get('maxFileSize')."'" : 'null' !!}
    <input type="file" x-ref="{{ $attributes->get('ref') ?? 'input' }}" />

the file type and size verification doesn't work.

I was able to make it work by chaging the order of the accepted types and size, like this:

    x-init="() => {        
        const post = FilePond.create($refs.input);
            // Here
            acceptedFileTypes: {!! $attributes->get('acceptedFileTypes') ?? 'null' !!},
            // And Here
            maxFileSize: {!! $attributes->has('maxFileSize') ? "'".$attributes->get('maxFileSize')."'" : 'null' !!},
            server: {
                process:(fieldName, file, metadata, load, error, progress, abort, transfer, options) => {
                    @this.upload('{{ $attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first() }}', file, load, error, progress)
                revert: (filename, load) => {
                    @this.removeUpload('{{ $attributes->whereStartsWith('wire:model')->first() }}', filename, load)
                allowImagePreview: {{ $attributes->has('allowFileTypeValidation') ? 'true' : 'false' }},
                imagePreviewMaxHeight: {{ $attributes->has('imagePreviewMaxHeight') ? $attributes->get('imagePreviewMaxHeight') : '256' }},
                allowFileTypeValidation: {{ $attributes->has('allowFileTypeValidation') ? 'true' : 'false' }},       
                allowFileSizeValidation: {{ $attributes->has('allowFileSizeValidation') ? 'true' : 'false' }},                
                labelFileTypeNotAllowed: 'File is of invalid type',
    <input type="file" x-ref="input" />
rappasoft commented 2 years ago

@mtbossa I wouldn't think it would matter. I use these snippets on projects and they work, there's a chance you're using a newer version than I am and something changed. But if it works by you moving things around then that's good.

samankassou commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your article, well written I just want to ask if there is a way to populate the filepond with images from the server for editing?

diogolf commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the article by the way. But i have a doubt. Imagine that you have a multi step form and need to move back and forward again. That uploaded file isn't there. So i have to upload it again. You have some way to resolve it ?

boranbar commented 2 years ago

Thank you @rappasoft for this great component. There is something that i couldn't figure it out. :( How can i change the language of Filepond? I tried what docs said but every time i got errors. I'm using Laravel Mix and filepond already included via npm. https://github.com/pqina/filepond#internationalization

Is there anyone can give me suggestions?

ifathurrohman commented 2 years ago

How to delete image in livewire ?

fathialamre commented 2 years ago

How to display saved images using media library?

ocfemiajm commented 1 year ago

Great tutorial, so detailed. can I ask how will i be able to display saved multiple images?

say, I have 'User' model that has multiple images saved using filepond in a 'media' table. how will i be able to display those images?


and also how can i change storage location using this tutorial?

Akhmami commented 1 year ago

How do i use this component to update the existing image on server?