Open rappen opened 5 months ago
Is there a specific format I should use in logs to support this functionality?
Good question, @czart8 !
I'm doing it from my perspective at first. Me and my colleagues us the CanaryTracer.TraceContext which is part of our PluginBase class.
After that, I was looking at what I could find from Microsoft. Well a little bit from MS...
And then, I asked in the community about their type of logging, where I implemented from Daryl LaBar's style and a sample from Data8.
I know this feature is a bit chance-implement, shooting from the hip you know...
It finds al Guid by a regex. For each guide, it tries to find the table it belongs to just before the guide.
To find the tables, if removes all separate characters ' ', '\t', '\n', '\r', ':', ',', '=', '"', '\'', '(', ')'
and get all characters until next separate char.
Due to how other may have between "table" and "guide", I remove these texts "new Guid", ", Id", "with id"
. I'm sure this will expand when I find more examples.
Generally, I like to trace texts like:
Trace($"Updating {record.LogicalName} {record.Id}");
and that just words when trying to find records in PTV.
That's roughly it, but I also try to find it in other scenarios.
Code core is here:
May i suggest if you lookup a guid in the POA table it should then tell you what type it is. Rather than hoping people have used the right trace style, it will then also pickup guids in JSON etc.
Good ideas, @TheDaveCollective ! Can you send some example logs here so I can implement it? If the data is too sensitive, can you email it instead?
Any chance you could add a kind of whitelist to allow the tool to search custom entities? Our dynamics environment is heavily customized, and mostly avoids using OOTB functionality for various reasons. We have probably close to 300 custom entities.
In this case, I use the tool extensively to debug a set of workflows that operate on a set of about 4-5 custom entities (and the contact entity). Being able to tell the tool "hey, please check these 4-5 entities) would make this feature useful. Otherwise, as it stands, this feature is useless to me at the moment because it's not searching the correct tables. If it was, it could potentially save me a lot of logging, which would reduce the chance of exceeding the log limit.
I may have missed how to find records.