rapyuta-robotics / RapyutaSimulationPlugins

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Is possible to use a 3D LiDAR in a RRBaseRobot to detect the movable parts of the robot itself? #203

Closed dbarrita closed 9 months ago

dbarrita commented 10 months ago

Hi, I'm using the plugin to create a few RRBaseRobot and I have put 3D LiDARS on them. The LiDAR works properly the problem if that doesn't detect the elements of the RRBaseRobot itself (car with black wheels in the image). If I want to use LiDAR for detects the position of a movable part of my robot


How can I put the LiDAR as part of the RRBaseRobot and detect the robot parts? I need to create another RRBaseRobot that only have the LiDAR and attach it to my robot?

Thanks for your time and for develop this plugin.

yuokamoto commented 10 months ago

I merged one PR. Could you try again? https://github.com/rapyuta-robotics/RapyutaSimulationPlugins/pull/196

it maybe just visualize lidar point always top

dbarrita commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the quick response, I have made the following steps:

After that the problem persists the sensor detects other RRBaseRobot elements but not the meshes that belongs to the same RRBaseRobot. I check it on RViz and the pointcloud published is the same that it's seen in Unreal

yuokamoto commented 10 months ago

I created PR. Please check https://github.com/rapyuta-robotics/RapyutaSimulationPlugins/pull/210

dbarrita commented 10 months ago

I have tested with LiDAR 3D and 2D and the problem persists. I have tried changing the new variable "Ignore Self" in the editor to false but the result is the same as when it's true.

Lidar2D_ignore_self I have added a little shape to the turtlebot example to test the changes.

yuokamoto commented 10 months ago

hmm, this is test result for me.


dbarrita commented 10 months ago

Thanks! It works with the 2D LiDAR but I'm trying with the 3D and it doesn't work. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.


dbarrita commented 9 months ago

I have been trying the LiDAR 3D but I can't make it work. With the 2D the behavior is the expected, with the "Ignore Self" parameter I can select the detection of the robot or not. But with the 3D doesn't work. I'm using the actual devel branch, because I have seen that the #210 is merged.

yuokamoto commented 9 months ago

Thanks for reporting. Let me check later.

yuokamoto commented 9 months ago

Found bug and created PR https://github.com/rapyuta-robotics/RapyutaSimulationPlugins/pull/214

dbarrita commented 9 months ago

Solved! Now it's working properly. Thank you for your time. Captura desde 2023-10-09 14-27-44