rapyuta-robotics / rclUE

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Steps on working with ROS2 Humble, Ubuntu 20.04 and UE 4.27 #98

Closed ShadhyGit closed 10 months ago

ShadhyGit commented 10 months ago


I've managed to run the turtlebot example using ROS2 foxy and UE 4.27 but I need to use rclUE with ROS2 Humble and UE4.27.

How would I go about doing that? Thank you

yuokamoto commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your question.

  1. If you want to use msgs which is not changed between humble and foxy, I think you can keep using rclUE for foxy with humble since ROS 2 humble and foxy can be communicate. https://discourse.ros.org/t/ros-cross-distribution-communication/27335
  2. you can refer defference between devel and UE5_devel_humble since devel is for foxy and UE5_devel_humble is for humble. Theoritically it should work by applying same changes.

but we recommend to use UE5.1 since we are not actively support UE 4.27

ShadhyGit commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your answer. I'm trying to do what you described in step 2.

First I used the UE_tools repository (humble branch) to generate the ROS2 Humble files. After this I updated the rclUE.Build.cs to include the humble files.

I am not able to build the project with those changes.

Are you able to guide me towards the right steps to change from Foxy to Humble (for UE 4.27)?

yuokamoto commented 10 months ago
ShadhyGit commented 10 months ago

I used the devel branch and generated the ROS files. Here is the make_editor.sh output: make_editor_output.txt

After that I replaced the rclcutilities.h's contents with the one from the UE5_devel_humble branch. This is the output after that:


yuokamoto commented 10 months ago

hmm, I'm not sure where "unknown type name turtlebot3_UE_Plugins_rclUE_Source_rclUE_Public_rclcUtilities_h_199_PROLOG" comes from...

it may not very simple to achieve this. Are there any reason why you don't use option 1 in my answer?

ShadhyGit commented 10 months ago

Hi, I was able to make it work by simply updating rclUtilities.h to match the one in the UE4 branch. I was working with the rclUE submodule in the turtlebot example which seems like it wasn't up to date.

To answer your question, I would have definitely used that option if I wasn't able to make it work. Thanks for your help!