rarecoil / laptop-co2e

Carbon footprints for various developer-friendly laptops (notebook computers).
5 stars 4 forks source link

Total Carbon Footprint #4

Open YousefEZ opened 2 years ago

YousefEZ commented 2 years ago

I first want to thank you for putting in the work to organise the values in such a way. I just had a quick question about the given values for the used carbon footprints are for a 4-year lifecycle. What are the assumptions for the usage of the laptop in those 4 years? Is it 8 hours a day for 5 days a week? or how many hours is it?

mcm30114 commented 4 months ago

These metrics are provided by the manufacturers in accordance to their guidelines. I'm not clear on their guidelines, but assume a 40 hour work week (that's where I would start my assumptions)