rargotte / watch-chill

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Reach /movie enpoitn with stored parameters (movie_id) NEW!! #18

Closed glazovg closed 2 years ago

glazovg commented 2 years ago

Issiue blocked by https://github.com/rargotte/Watch-Chill-/issues/15 As a user when I get movies recommendations I want to be able to use stored response data (from /discover/movie-discover endpoint) So I can make the next API call (movie endpoint)

Acc1: Make API call to /movie/{movie_id} endpoint with given parameters Acc2: Store reponse data from/discover/movie-discover endpoint into localStorage

Dev Notes: movie_id is the data needed to send it as parameter. API/endpont documentation: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-movie-details