rars / ng2csv

Angular service for saving data to CSV file.
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

saveAs is not a function #11

Closed cherrera50 closed 1 year ago

cherrera50 commented 5 years ago


I would like to use this library for a specific part of my project. When I tried to follow the example given in the documentation, I got this error:

TypeError: file_saver_1.saveAs is not a function

The code in the download function is this:

 public download(): void {
    try {
          id: 1,
          name: 'Alice'
          id: 2,
          name: 'Bob'
    } catch (e) {
As additional data. I got a similar error using the file-saver library in direct way, but I could find a solution using this code in my component:
declare var saveAs: any; 
Instead of this:
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';
In this ocation, the code of the download function is this:
public download(): void {
        try {
          let file = new Blob(['hello world'], { type: 'text/csv;charset=utf-8' });
          saveAs(file, ''helloworld'.csv');
        } catch (e) {
And you be able to download the helloword.csv file generated. Thanks for your help. Regards
rars commented 5 years ago

Thanks @cherrera50 for filing this issue. Could you post your package.json dependencies so I know which versions of libraries you are using or list these please?

cherrera50 commented 5 years ago


This is my package.json configuration:

  "name": "angular-seed",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "description": "Modular starter project for Angular 2 (and beyond) with statically typed build and AoT compilation",
  "repository": {
    "url": "https://github.com/mgechev/angular-seed"
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    "build.prod": "gulp build.prod --color --env-config prod --build-type prod",
    "build.prod.exp": "gulp build.prod.aot --color --env-config prod --build-type prod",
    "build.prod.rollup.aot": "gulp build.prod.rollup.aot --color --env-config prod --build-type prod",
    "build.prod.aot": "gulp build.prod.aot --color --env-config prod --build-type prod",
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    "karma.start": "karma start",
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    "tests.all": "npm test && npm run e2e.ci",
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    "webdriver-update": "webdriver-manager update",
    "compodoc": "node_modules/.bin/compodoc -p src/client/tsconfig.json",
    "serve.compodoc": "node_modules/.bin/compodoc -s"
  "author": "Minko Gechev ",
  "license": "MIT",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "~2.4.0",
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rars commented 5 years ago

I'm having trouble trying to reproduce something similar to this. I tried checking out tag 2.1.2 https://github.com/mgechev/angular-seed/tree/2.1.2 and building on a NodeJS 6 install but there are some errors on the npm install.

What version of NodeJS are you using? If you could help me produce a smaller reproduction of the issue I could offer some further help.

rars commented 1 year ago

Closing since there's been no response since my last message and I can't repro. Let me know if you think there's still an issue.