rasberryrabbit / HTTP_FileServer

Simple HTTP File Server.
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Please Help #1

Open Aleks3366 opened 2 months ago

Aleks3366 commented 2 months ago

Dear Rasberryrabbit,

Could you please help me with this Server? -I really don't see a Delphi Project file to compile it. How can I compile a project?

-Thank you very much!

rasberryrabbit commented 2 months ago

LNet Package, but It only works on FPC/Lazarus.

This project has no support compiling under Delphi.
If you try compiling under Delphi, there is many problems.

Aleks3366 commented 2 months ago

Thank you!

Aleks3366 commented 2 months ago

Dear Rasberryrabbit,

I found an implementation of one function in your server that I can't find how to do it. This is the possibility of randomly changing the position of the video playback back and forth. If I open video playback in a browser with http access to the video file through your server, then when the playback time randomly changes, the video starts playing immediately from a new point. Now I'm making a Delphi program with the IDHttpServer component and I can only play videos sequentially. I do things like this:

procedure TForm1.IdHTTPServer1CommandGet … AResponseInfo.ContentType:='video/mp4'; AResponseInfo.ContentStream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmOpenRead or fmShareCompat); ...

But I need the playback to continue when the video is randomly positioned in the player. Your server supports streaming video in such a way that it is possible. I would really like to know how this can be done on Delphi. Let me please kindly ask your advice or an example of such a function if possible?

Thank you very much!

rasberryrabbit commented 2 months ago

You make processing "Content-Range:" in Http request headers. I don't know how exactly making it in Indy package.

Aleks3366 commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much!

rasberryrabbit commented 2 months ago


There is a example code.

Aleks3366 commented 2 months ago

Thank you so much! It really works! I highly appreciate your attention and advice!