rascafr / eu-covid-qr-parser-demo

Quick Node.js PoC to parse and generate european vaccination certificate QR codes
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A QR-code only allows for 45 different characters (letters, figures, some punctuation characters)... #1

Closed lillois59 closed 2 years ago

lillois59 commented 2 years ago

Hi @rascafr well job and great work for this Eu-qr-parser, It seem to work very well after several hours of search ... But Id like to know why I can read the data from : (https://ehealth.vyncke.org/index.php) I got something but apparently wrong I think is beacuse this message : (letters, figures, some punctuation characters)... But the health certificate contains binary information, so, this binary information is 'encoded' in base45 (thanks to my friend Patrik's IETF draft draft-faltstrom-base45). Base45 decoding... The decoded message is now (many more binary characters represented as '.' on the right-hand column and also less octects)

I need to modify something in order to get more octects ?

thanks you bro

rascafr commented 2 years ago

Hi Camille,

Glad to hear it's working well for you.

I don't quite understand, were you able (or not) to read the data from Vyncke's website? Did you then used the zlib decompress inflate() method?

Given vyncke's website sample hex data, I was able to get the same output after the base45 + zlib steps... like the way this has been implemented in this parser (part of the result playload below)

tbgnpPeter Paul MariacfntgEBRAER
lillois59 commented 2 years ago

Hi @rascafr and thanks to reply Im so sorry I was off from Git. Today playing around your project I think I found was is wrong or not working, If I read "new_gene_cert" in some App like "TousAntiCovid" french app and others It's not readeble I mean direclety I got a ErroR message like "Cert not readble" but just now using Swiss App or Belgium is working readable. My question is how I we (you lol) can fix this issue bro @rascafr what do you think/

Aslo I add this : (My valid Qr) COSE ISSUE

Checking the COSE structure (ignoring the signature) of the CBOR Web Token (yet another IETF standards RFC 8392)... COSE Key Id(KID): 0x840D7EA7010EC422 (KID is the first 8 bytes of the SHA256 of the certificate, list of trusted KIDs is at https://verifier-api.coronacheck.nl/v4/verifier/public_keys). This key is trusted from https://verifier-api.coronacheck.nl/v4/verifier/public_keys or https://covid-status.service.nhsx.nhs.uk/pubkeys/keys.json And the COSE signature is verified => this digital green certificate is valid. COSE Algorithm: Es256 (ECDSA w/ SHA-256)

(Generated Qr)

Checking the COSE structure (ignoring the signature) of the CBOR Web Token (yet another IETF standards RFC 8392)... This is not a recognized COSE data object: Unknown COSE attribute with value: [CoseAlgorithm - -123]

lillois59 commented 2 years ago

its look okay now when I change COSE parameter to -36 or -45 its okay to Vyncle but the cert its still invalid

lillois59 commented 2 years ago

@rascafr Happy End of year ....

Thanks for all first !

After severals hours maybe two day, today and last nite I trying to do my best using lot of topic like : CBOR algo, https://python-cwt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/algorithms.html#cose-key-types https://www.iana.org/assignments/cose/cose.xhtml https://github.com/ehn-dcc-development/ehn-sign-verify-python-trivial/issues/17 ecetera ....

I resum my issue : 1/ https://ehealth.vyncke.org/ = I can decode my qr and read what I filled before using -45 COSE ALGO but its still invalid Decoding the CBOR-encoded COSE claims into a more readable JSON format: Issuer : CNAM Expiration time : 2009-02-13 23:31:30 UTC !!! This certificate is no more valid!!! Health payload JSON :

invalid : TousAntiCovid, SWISS, BE, LU valid : some simple app checkers like for supermaket door (in some of them)

Question : How I can sign an valid cert? I used to sign using minisign :

_minisign -Vm /Users/Apple/minisign/new_generated.jpeg Signature and comment signature verified Trusted comment: timestamp: 1640527412 file: newgenerated.jpeg hashed

But still invalid, can you help me to fix this missconf bro @rascafr

merci thanks again

rascafr commented 2 years ago


TZ=UTC0 date -r 1234567890
Fri 13 Feb 2009 23:31:30 UTC

Furthermore, as replied in the other issue you opened, and as mentionned in my repos (https://github.com/rascafr/eu-covid-qr-parser-demo#readme), you won't be able to sign a certificate if you don't have the private key...