rashadphz / farfalle

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500: 1 validation error for RelatedQueries questions List should have at least 3 items after validation #45

Closed gizbo closed 1 month ago

gizbo commented 1 month ago

This a new one: 500: 1 validation error for RelatedQueries questions List should have at least 3 items after validation, not 1 [type=too_short, input_value=['What are the names of the affected cities?'], input_type=list] For further information visit https://errors.pydantic.dev/2.7/v/too_short

I'm not getting this consistenly, not sure what triggers that.
Using Azure Open AI as provider


Thanks Yves

gizbo commented 1 month ago

What could cause the related query to only return 1 question back, not the expected 3? And this is not happening all the time... For now I changed the RelatedQueries model validation to be more permissive.

gizbo commented 1 month ago

Problem was with my deployment model... I think :)