raskr / rust-autograd

Tensors and differentiable operations (like TensorFlow) in Rust
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Custom rand::Rng #1

Closed shanegibbs closed 6 years ago

shanegibbs commented 6 years ago

Your library is exactly what I have been looking for :heart_eyes:!

I have been trying to rig it up to a wasm build and I hitting into a runtime error. When calling autograd::ndarray_ext::array_gen::glorot_uniform I get a stack trace that looks like the following:


So we are panicing in the rand::jitter::get_nstime function. This makes sense because when I look at jitter.rs:703, the implementation for wasm is unreachable!().

Is it possible to pass in a custom &mut rand::Rng to these functions? If that was the case, I could use something like pcg_rand.

Thanks :+1:

raskr commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your interest in this project! This is a curious issue whereas I'm not familiar with Web Assembly at all. Anyway, enabling array generator functions to use pre-instantiated Rng object solves this problem as you said. This abstraction is definitely useful, but I want to provide default Rng. Therefore the compromise will be something like:

let arr1 = ndarray_ext::ArrRng::default().glorot_uniform(&[2, 3]);
let arr2 = ndarray_ext::ArrRng::new(Pcg).glorot_uniform(&[2, 3]);

How do you think? In this case, the library implementation will be as follows...

    struct ArrRng<R: Rng> {
        rng: R

    impl Default for ArrRng<rand::XorShiftRng>
        fn default() -> Self
            ArrRng {
                rng: rand::weak_rng()

    impl<R: Rng> ArrRng<R> {
        pub fn new(rng: R) -> Self
            ArrRng {

    impl<R: Rng> ArrRng<R>
        pub fn glorot_uniform(&mut self, shape: &[usize]) -> NdArray
            let s = (6. / shape[0] as f64).sqrt();
            let dist = rand::distributions::Range::new(-s, s);
            NdArray::from_shape_fn(shape, |_| dist.ind_sample(&mut self.rng) as f32)
shanegibbs commented 6 years ago

Yes, that would solve my problem. I like this design too 🥇

It looks like you basically have it sorted out but let me know if you would like a hand with anything.

raskr commented 6 years ago

Ok, next version (may take several days) will contain code close to those. Thank you I will; immediate PRs are also welcome since this is an experimental project 👍