rasmus-kirk / nixarr

The Media Server Nixos Module
GNU General Public License v3.0
103 stars 6 forks source link

Buildarr integration #3

Open rasmus-kirk opened 4 months ago

rasmus-kirk commented 4 months ago

Using buildarr would allow setup services to integrate with each other upon activation with no user input, definitely nice.

Doesn't have support for all the *Arrs, not even the upcoming SonarrV4, and it hasn't been updated for some months.

Needs to be added to nixpkgs, not too hard, but is not worth it if the project is abandoned.

In the ideal case, buildarr would run only once after initial build to avoid overwriting user configuration. Otherwise overwriting should be okay, as the buildarr configuration is designed to be lean. I would possibly also like to expose the buildarr configuration using extraSettings, but the setup is the main desired feature here.

rasmus-kirk commented 4 months ago

It seems buildarr will be maintained, and that lidarr/readarr support is on the table. So this could be worth pursuing once SonarrV4 support is implemented in buildarr.