Closed ruant closed 6 years ago
I would suggest adding %aspnet-request{HTTP_HOST}%aspnet-request{PATH_INFO}
to the conversionPattern in the log4net.config, it will log the request url (if available) to every lentry in the log files.
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value=" %date [P%property{processId}/D%property{appDomainId}/T%thread] %-5level %logger (%aspnet-request{HTTP_HOST}%aspnet-request{PATH_INFO}) - %message%newline" />
Hi! Would it be possible to add more logging to the log entry "MultiUrlPicker value converter skipped a link as the node has been upublished/deleted (Id: ###), " to include where it was skipped? So we can fix the dead link?
Cheers for a good tool.