rasmuslos / ShelfPlayer

Native Audiobookshelf player for iOS & iPadOS
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[Feature Request] App Settings Additions #89

Closed JoshStark closed 2 months ago

JoshStark commented 2 months ago

Firstly, love the app; the look and feel are excellent. Nice job!

I appreciate you're still relatively early in development but it would be good to have a few extra bits in the app setting section to cover things like:

I'm a life-long Prologue user, but this looks like a very viable alternative as I'm considering moving permanently to Audiobookshelf.

rasmuslos commented 2 months ago


What do you mean by changing the font? If you are in an audiobook library it's serif, otherwise it's sans-serif. What would you change?

JoshStark commented 2 months ago

The book titles and page titles. Personally I prefer them to be sans-serif, but it’s not a hugely important thing for me. It’s a configurable setting in Prologue which I’ve become used to.

I think being able to choose the accent colour to something other than yellow is a bit more important to me because I use the light theme on my phone and iPad, and yellow is really hard to read on a white background.

justcallmelarry commented 2 months ago

Adding a +1 for rather having sans-serif than serif 😅 but it's also not a huge deal It also seems a bit mix'n'match at the moment. Titles seem to be all in serif when in an audiobook library, but descriptions on the audiobook, buttons, author, narrators, all types of info text (like time remaining etc) are in sans for me, which makes the title look out of place, in my opinion

JoshStark commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the new tint options! Would it be at all possible to have "Black" as an option as well? I know it's quite boring, sorry. I really appreciate the speed at which you are implementing these changes, so please don't think I'm ungrateful!

JoshStark commented 1 month ago

Would it also be possible for the "Enable serif font" option to also apply to the view titles, e.g. "Search", "Listen Now" etc? It also looks like it hasn't applied to the book title on the active media player.

rasmuslos commented 1 month ago

Would it also be possible for the "Enable serif font" option to also apply to the view titles, e.g. "Search", "Listen Now" etc? It also looks like it hasn't applied to the book title on the active media player.

Restart the app

JoshStark commented 1 month ago

I’m an idiot. Thanks!

rasmuslos commented 1 month ago

The font of the titles is changed using some UIKit tomfoolery and it's even harder to change on the fly, so restarting (or switching to a podcast library and than back) is the only way to update it...