rasodu / DLEMP

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Install phpdoc on cmd image #24

Closed rasodu closed 8 years ago

rasodu commented 8 years ago


If there is config file phpdoc, then setup up default config so phpdoc command always generates documentation for code in 'app' and the final destination will always be 'public/phpdoc-documentation/'

Install it on 'DLEMP/tools/phpdoc' and add 'DLEMP/tools/phpdoc/vendor/bin' to PATH

mkdir -p /DLEMP/tools/phpdoc
composer require --working-dir=/DLEMP/tools/phpdoc "phpdocumentor/phpdocumentor:2.*"
ENV PATH /DLEMP/tools/phpdoc/vendor/bin:$PATH

Command to generate documentation:

phpdoc template:list
phpdoc -d app/ -d tests/ -t public/app-documentation/ --template=zend

Config file explained: https://www.phpdoc.org/docs/latest/references/configuration.html