raspberry-sharp / raspberry-sharp-io

A .NET/Mono IO Library for Raspberry Pi
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TODO Completed : Watch multiple pins #42

Closed umasgn closed 8 years ago

umasgn commented 9 years ago

using System; using System.Linq; using Raspberry.IO.GeneralPurpose; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Test.Gpio.WatchPin { class Program { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("WatchPin Sample: log the state changes on input pin. \nTry to run it in parallel with i.e. Test.Gpio.HCSR501 or to test HCSR04 (IR motion detector) or SW-18020P (shake detector)"); Console.WriteLine(); Task monPin18 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Watcher("P1Pin18")); Task monPin16 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Watcher("P1Pin16")); Task monPin15 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Watcher("P1Pin15")); Task monPin22 = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Watcher("P1Pin22")); Task.WaitAll(monPin15,monPin16,monPin18,monPin22); Console.ReadKey(); //TODO: Allow watch multiple pins simultaneously //TODO: Allow to specify pin in different ways, ie, by name, by wiringPi, etc.

    private  static void Watcher(string pinName)
        ConnectorPin userPin;
        if (!Enum.TryParse(pinName, true, out userPin))
            Console.WriteLine("Could not find pin: " + pinName);

        Console.WriteLine("\tWatching Pin: {0}", userPin);

        Console.WriteLine("Press CTRL-C to stop");
        var procPin = userPin.ToProcessor();

        var driver = GpioConnectionSettings.DefaultDriver;

            driver.Allocate(procPin, PinDirection.Input);

            var isHigh = driver.Read(procPin);

            while (true)
                var now = DateTime.Now;
                Console.WriteLine(now + "." + now.Millisecond.ToString("000") + ": " +pinName +     (isHigh ? ": HIGH" : ": LOW"));
                driver.Wait(procPin, !isHigh, TimeSpan.FromDays(7)); //TODO: infinite
                isHigh = !isHigh;
            // Leaves the pin unreleased so that other processes can keep reading

    private static void PrintUsage()
        Console.WriteLine("Usage: Test.Gpio.WatchPin [pin]");
        Console.WriteLine("Available pins:");

        Console.WriteLine("//todo allow watch multiple pins simultanously");
        Console.WriteLine("//todo allow to specify pin in diffrent ways, ie, by name, by wiringPi, etc");
        Console.WriteLine("I.e.: sudo mono Test.Gpio.WatchPin.exe P1Pin23");


ebezine commented 9 years ago


Sorry for the late reply. Is this a duplicate with issue #43 ?