raspberry-vanilla / android_local_manifest

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AndroidRpiOverlay already defined #73

Closed striork closed 2 months ago

striork commented 2 months ago

First, Thanks for your hard work, of course! We wouldn't be able to do the things we do without people like you! while attempting the car variant I got this error with exit status 1 step-1: we clone the repo using below commands repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-14.0.0_r30 --depth=1 curl -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_brcm_rpi.xml -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raspberry-vanilla/android_local_manifest/android-14.0/manifest_brcm_rpi.xml --create-dirs curl -o .repo/local_manifests/remove_projects.xml -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/raspberry-vanilla/android_local_manifest/android-14.0/remove_projects.xml

step-2 : repo sync

step-3 : source


step -4 : lunch aosp_rpi5_car-ap1a-userdebug 3.Compile make bootimage systemimage vendorimage -j$(nproc) This is where it went awry

wildcard(out/target/product/rpi5/clean_steps.mk) was changed, regenerating... [ 89% 1027/1142] including out/soong/Android-aosp_rpi5_car.mk ... FAILED: In file included from out/soong/installs-aosp_rpi5_car.mk:357511: In file included from out/soong/Android-aosp_rpi5_car.mk:4333: In file included from build/make/core/soong_app_prebuilt.mk:43: build/make/core/base_rules.mk:292: error: device/brcm/rpi5/overlay/AndroidRpiOve rlay: MODULE.TARGET.ETC.AndroidRpiOverlay already defined by overlay/AndroidRpiO verlay. 17:04:06 ckati failed with: exit status 1

failed to build some targets (13 seconds)


line 292

KonstaT commented 2 months ago

From tchort@pc:~/android14_pi5/android_device_brcm_rpi5-android-14.0$ I can only assume that you've also done something else that is not described above and not in the instructions on how to build (cloned the device tree for some reason?). Commands are also to be executed from the root directory of the AOSP source tree.