raspberry-vanilla / android_local_manifest

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Add sudo to pip install #9

Closed AltayAkkus closed 1 year ago

AltayAkkus commented 1 year ago

When you install meson without root privileges via pip, it is not found when invoked via $ meson.

Found this out the hard way, at 91% in a build.

KonstaT commented 1 year ago

Thanks. :)

AltayAkkus commented 1 year ago

I have successfully build the ISO, what about releasing the pre-built ISO here? (used the TL;DR instructions)

My build lasted for about 4 hours and cost me 10 dollars in GCP credits :D

KonstaT commented 1 year ago

There's already builds of various flavors available on my site https://konstakang.com/devices/rpi4/

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