raspberryice / gen-arg

Code for paper "Document-Level Argument Extraction by Conditional Generation". NAACL 21'
MIT License
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Share pretrained class vectors and tagger checkpoints #20

Open AlecS12 opened 2 years ago

AlecS12 commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the great work. Could you please share the pretrained class vectors and tagger checkpoints for the tagger, for example all_class_vec_KAIROS.pt? Also I cannot quite figure out how to reproduce zero-shot event extraction (paragraph 4.4 of your paper). What should be the process (command line with arguments) to extract a new event? Alternatively, if I add more events to the KAIROS ontology, how could I fine-tune for them? As I understand, the tagger checkpoint is created in train_tagger.py. Then I'd need to use it to classify documents and add event types to training/test/dev data. Are there scripts for that?