raspberrypi-ui / piclone

Utility to back up Pi to an SD card reader
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[feature request] missing possibility not to use UI, but text parameters #25

Closed bufemc closed 4 years ago

bufemc commented 4 years ago

I am stuck when using sudo nearly like https://github.com/raspberrypi-ui/piclone/issues/14 but with

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo piclone
No protocol specified

(piclone:1497): Gtk-WARNING **: 10:48:16.647: cannot open display: :10.0

I am connected via W10 remote desktop. I read about the su cannot access the x server that easily etc etc. So what about the possibility instead of using the UI to just have an easy (optional) text in- (via parameters) and output?

piclone in=/dev/bla1 out=/dev/bla2

In the end I see myself falling back to dd ,-)

holta commented 4 years ago

Consider https://github.com/georgejhunt/piclone_cmd created by @georgejhunt

For the http://Internet-in-a-Box.org project, where X (graphical desktop) is not always available in developing world schools.

(Based on https://github.com/nwright-mcc/piclone_cmd with support for aarch64 added.)

jvonau commented 4 years ago

Wasn't piclone_cmd going to become part of the admin-console?

spl237 commented 4 years ago

Really not the place for this discussion - piclone is a GUI application; a command-line application would be a completely separate project.

holta commented 4 years ago

Wasn't piclone_cmd going to become part of the admin-console?

It is.

FYI piclone_cmd (command-line version of piclone, described above) is now part of Internet-in-a-Box's Admin Console, as documented here:

http://FAQ.IIAB.IO > "44 How do I back up, shrink & copy IIAB microSD cards?"