With an as-installed unmodified Lite image of RasPiOS Bookworm from 2023-10-10-raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite or 2023-10-10-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite the package python3.11-venv is not pre-installed.
This means it is not immediately/trivially possible to create a Python virtual environment.
david@rp0bw101032ltsd:~ $ python3 -m venv venvhack
The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip is not
available. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you need to install the python3-venv
package using the following command.
apt install python3.11-venv
You may need to use sudo with that command. After installing the python3-venv
package, recreate your virtual environment.
Failing command: /home/david/venvhack/bin/python3
david@rp0bw101032ltsd:~ $
Can be fixed by the end-user by installing that required package -
sudo apt install python3.11-venv
Installation by default seems preferable given the new situation calling for near-mandatory use of venvs by python users. Ref: #4
With an as-installed unmodified Lite image of RasPiOS Bookworm from 2023-10-10-raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite or 2023-10-10-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite the package python3.11-venv is not pre-installed.
This means it is not immediately/trivially possible to create a Python virtual environment.
Can be fixed by the end-user by installing that required package -
sudo apt install python3.11-venv
Installation by default seems preferable given the new situation calling for near-mandatory use of venvs by python users. Ref: #4